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[转贴] Index Futures Day Trading Method Journal

发表于 2008-11-28 07:02 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Day Trading Journal Objectives

Understanding the day trading method, and especially how the trading method setups are related to the strengths and weaknesses of the base method.

Understanding that discretion is inherent in a trading method BUT that this discretion can be repeatable -vs- non-random discretion coming from things like market bias or market opinion OR trying to indicator trade as a trading system.

Understanding how to use indicator information as part of the trading setup -vs- being an indicator only trader.

Understand mixed method [the trading method which will be entering at the same approximated time BUT in the opposite direction] AND the implications of these 'other' methods on our trading.

Discussion of trading charts-setups, explaining why a setup is method base and comparing to similar setups that 'shouldn't' be traded - setups that could be regard as trading setup misreads.

Discussion of opening emini russell trades and trading setup scenarios using previous price action prices.

Discussion of trading setups related to method strengths and weaknesses AND in relation to market conditions such as directional-counter or continuation-congestion.

Discussion of directional strength and maximizing the profits of these trading swings with addon trading.

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
Trade Journal 1/3/2007

chart1:  consider the dark blue line-dark blue dot - is this a base pivot entry WITH mex flow into a triple break?  what-where were your trades on this chart AND were the setups base?

red dot1 - green dot:  2 hits of the blue line [there was a focus line from the left 1 tick higher] - sell the lower high WITH mex flow down.  the sell didn't partial AND then after a shift-reject of the blue line into/through the yellow line triple break WITH mex flow - the sell was reversed back long.  i consider these both to be base-pivot entries.

dark blue line-dark blue dot - red dot2:  does this setup exist as described in the question - yes - BUT now try to see it-react to it-fill it real time. trading has 2 difficult issues that traders need to consider:  (1) seeing-reacting to setups real time (2) hindsight evaluation of trade setups BUT doing so with real time relevance.

consider this setup real time.  you are long from the green dot with a partial and a reduce - you are trying to hold the yellow line as support AND shift the dark blue line to a higher low and break back out the top as a triple top break.  there is a double hold of the yellow line AND it looks like the range high is going to be tested BUT then there is a reversal bar - the previous bar is a 3 tick bar up AND the reversal bar is a 3 tick bar back down. 

my mindset is not going to [didn't] react to a counter reverse on these 2 small bars where the entry bar is a reversal bar counter to direction AND this is what i mean by evaluating with real time relevance - before you consider the entry location of a trade - be sure you would see it-react to it at the same location real time.  the sell was entered on reaction after the break - still with mex flow AND the ttmf hook AND into the triple break - this is what i could see-do real time WHICH also includes reversing the buy.  IF flat - the yellow line shift-reject blue line-blue dot is a base first continuation trade.


chart2:  consider the dark blue line-dark blue dot - is this a base setup AND if so what are the components?  what-where were your trades on this chart AND were the setups base?

blue dot:  is the dark blue line-blue dot a base setup - line break2 into/through the prior 2 breaks AFTER a higher low WITH mex flow?  yes as described - this is a base-pivot entry AND a trade done many times BUT i did nothing - including the exit.

red dot2:  short red dot1 = -801.10 +800.10/+800.10/trail AND instead of doing a pivot entry against that trade - a setup that was also against the 120t at the time - i made the trade decision to do nothing at this point.  then after the lower high-ticki high - i did the dark blue line break2 as an addon.

AND right after i did this trade i started thinking about the discussion from chart1 - regarding to small bars AND seeing the entry - wondering if anyone in the room was viewing this as inconsistent.  IF i am still short at the blue dot - i am committed to-managing a sell at that point -vs- chart1 where i would be reversing out of a long while thinking buy management-support hold.  then while short AND getting the lower high-ticki high - seeing resumption OR in this case the sell addon - is not 'counter mindset' along with 'counter reverse'.  no - i see no inconsistency here - the situation is not the same.


chart3:  green dot buy AND nothing done at the dark blue line-yellow dot - is the dark blue line-dark blue dot now a base reverse out of the trailing long - as a break2 WITH mex flow into a triple break?

dark blue line-dark blue dot:  this is essentially the same discussion as chart1 - seeing-reacting to a small bar reversal bar-trade reverse.  again there is more at issue than whether this looks like a setup now in hindsight - this just wasn't something i reacted to at the time AND this was still 'against' the 120t at the time - something that could have added the clarity to do this trade.

red dot:  after the fast chart reversed it continued to remain 'in sell' AND after the dark blue line shift-reject - i did the red dot sell as my first continuation trade to the dark blue dot - this timing also synched with the 120t ttm flip.


Trade Journal 1/4/2007

open:  where are the key prices for open trading - what was the difference between trading the open AND the open scenario?  regarding any potential open trade which trade 'hadtobe' tried AND what was the significance of that particular trade?  what-where were your open trades?

our job as traders isn't to try to pick tops-bottoms OR try to figure out how to get into a trade early.  our job as traders is to try to be market sensitive - that is trying to identify-locate those setups-situations with the most continuation-breakout potential.  thus the concept of the open price scenario - where we are trying to use prior price action areas AND 'fit' them to the day's open.

we came into today's open focusing on 2 price-price movement situation:  (1) a reversal-breakdown yesterday after the fomc minutes (2) a last hour move up from the lows into the close.  matching left side price to the overnight gave use the 5:41ct chart AND the 791.40 centerline synch to 791.80-790.50 - 789.60-788.40 support on a break of 790.50-790.20 overnight low AND 792.60-793.30 resistance on a break through 791.80. 

considering yesterday's move down AND the diagonal breakout points from yesterday's counter closing move - along with price currently having shifted the 791.40 centerline to resistance - the open scenario sell would be viewed as a trade with continuation-breakout potential.

green dot:  there was a change between the open and the open scenario - 791.40 wasn't resistance any longer - it was support.  basis this the trade i first looked to do was a buy into/through the left channel using the 791.80 price - my first trade filled at the green dot = +792.40 -793.30/-793.30/trail.

dark blue dot - red dot:  with the left-right 793.30 reject - i tried to reverse out of the buy at the dark blue dot - trying to fill by 792.40 and a scratch of the trailing long.  i missed my fill at went short at the red dot = -792.10.

blue dot:  this is the setup being referred to in the open question regarding which trade 'hadtobe' tried - this comment made due to the significance of this setup in light of the open scenario AND the described continuation-breakout potential - again the concept of market sensitivity basis previous price action.

the further significance of this setup AND then the 790.50 price setup at the dark blue dot - became the management of the red dot sell AND using the continuation-breakout concept for profit expansion.  instead of base partials and/or initially expanded 2x partials - these setups were allowed to break-continue AND after the partial profits were available - trail behind them trying to maximize the potential where the 792.10 short got an initial partial at 789.60 AND then at 788.50 on a 788.40 hit = 61 ticks of partial -vs- 21 ticks which would be base1 + base2. 

as well the swing was further maximized by doing no fast chart buys or exits AND doing 2 addons instead - no buy was done until there was a 120t pmd low-synch reverse at 8:47ct.


chart1:  left side short was exited at the dark blue dot - where is the buy setup after this exit IF a reverse isn't done?  what-where are the trade setups after the initial swing high - what-where were your trades during this period?

buy setup:  what buy setup-buy - did you get one-do one?  -787.00 +786.20/+784.70/+785.90 AND flat on a retrace - viewed as a reaction into the 9:30ct eia oil release.  BUT then the release came and the thing kept going up AND i just couldn't figure out how to get into a trade - almost a panic feeling - it kept going AND i kept watching it go not knowing how to enter a trade that didn't 'feel' like a chase.

AND that is one of the primary points for including this chart - to discuss a situation that is going to happen sometimes AND there just isn't anything to do about - a move that continues where you don't know how to enter.  all i can say is i think it's better to miss a move when you don't have a setup that you can commit to -vs- chasing and/or taking a trade that you can't call a setup.  there are bigger implications to losing on a trade like that than simply the dollar loss - it's the tpsych loss where you are also 'steaming' from losing when you know that you shouldn't have traded.

red dot - yellow dot:  is the red dot a base setup - a line setup after a pmd swing high - done as an initial reverse?  before i say whether this is base - i will say that IF that dark blue dot has been available as a buy because there was no pending news - i would be long with 2 partials and trailing AND i would have never done this trade.  from that viewpoint alone i am going to suggest that it isn't base because it was done because i was flat. 

the yellow dot is a pivot trade - again using the setup line after the lower double top at the 2 yellow dots BUT there isn't a retrace with mex flow into this trade AND actually at the time the trade would have been done against ttm.  this trade isn't base AND without a retrace-reject of the blue line with mex flow down AFTER the ttm flip - that gives a triple range break WHICH includes a break-failure setup of 787.50 AND a key price specific in this area trying to shift to support - i am going to say that no base sell setup occurs.

green dot:  what about this trade - is it base?  the setup - focus line break AFTER the double channel hold test of 787.50 - into/through the diagonal AND the 2 yellow dots as a triple break into the swing high WITH left side directional strength BUT no retrace-mex flow into the trade which makes it an initial reverse.

this is the reason for including this chart - to discuss this trade as a right side initial reverse at a pivot line which isn't a base pivot entry BUT also a trade that has left side breakout potential basis what is being traded into AND as a resumption of left side swing direction.  in light of this the buy is certainly a better trade to try than the sell AND after doing the sell - also tried the buy.


Trade Journal 1/5/2007

open:  where are the key prices for open trading AND were these prices 'known' from the open-price scenario - what-where were your open trades?  do you have an open trade on the last bar of this chart - IF yes what was the setup - IF no where was your next trade?

red dot1:  didn't react to the 791.80 break2 setup - ended up entering on a pause-reject of the line = -791.40

red dot2 addon:  790.20 break setup = -790.10 - this trade broke to the 788.40 price discussed in the open-price setup which filled there on a 788.30 hit - which was done as an addon 2x partial.

open trade last bar of chart:  the addon was exited at 789.30 BUT the initial short was held - there is no base buy setup after the indicator reverse AND no exit WHEN left side price being tested as resistance is considered.


consider:  yesterday we discussed the open not simply from an open setup-trigger BUT in terms of market sensitivity AND the continuation-breakout potential AND a trade that 'hadtobe' tried.  were there any trade setups today that 'hadtobe' tried on a market sensitivity basis - IF yes what-where was the setup?

red dot1:  this is a 'textbook' pmd swing reverse - 'textbook' because the setup includes a reject of s1 as resistance in a down market.  the trailing short was held on the yellow circle indicator reverse - there is no buy setup here OR exit when left side price being tested as resistance is considered.

from the open-price update - 1-4 9:27ct 784.60: double bottom low - this was a test of the 1-3 784.10 low WHICH now would be a triple bottom break IF today becomes a sell day.  this is the type of price setup situation which often accelerates through both price levels.

red dot2 addon:  this is what was being referenced in the open-price update AND the market sensitivity consideration.  784.60 hits-holds to the tick AND retraces back to test the yellow line - the 784.60 break was then sold as an addon into/through 784.10 AND we got our breakdown scenario.  another addon was done at red dot3 on the mex rollback AFTER the shift-reject of the 12-22 783.30 low - this reject to resistance again accelerating the breakdown.


chart1-chart2:  consider the area of the yellow circles - IF trades were done would they be base - why-why not?  did you enter trades in any of these areas - IF yes where was your entry - IF no did you enter at a different location during the swing?

another way to have worded the question:  can the yellow circles which would be initial trade entries be done AND considered base - when left side price and market conditions are taken into consideration?  OR - what additional setup components needed to be added to the yellow circles to 'allow' the counter trades? 

OR - when making a trade decision - first decide whether your trade is a defined base setup AND then decide whether the setup triggers relevant to market conditions-market type.  when you do this you are making a distinction between definition AND concept - definition giving you the setup components AND concept giving you the method context that you will trade that setup.

these trading decisions made were done consistently in that context - where sells were done as 'quickly' as possible on resumption of the initial setup-trigger BUT where shorts were held 'as long as possible' OR buys were done 'as late as possible' after setup components showed the failure of the sell and/or continuation potential.

green dot1:  higher low pmd double hold - buy into/through the diagonal first to the blue line/yellow line targets.

red dot1:  yellow line across the chart double top - blue line setup then break as an initial trade WITH direction and after the resistance reject.  go back look at the open chart for an additional view of the blue-yellow lines.

yellow circle1:  nothing done - no setup to buy AND the trailing short was also held for a reject of the dark blue line - it did tick through but then rejected and the sell remained open.

yellow circle2 - green dot2:  initial indicator reverse BUT no buy setup - then after the higher low WITH mex flow up on the retrace - the green dot buy was done as both a triple break AND into/through the diagonal.

red dot2:  blue line initial setup-trigger done as a reverse of the buy WITH direction - again a directional decision to trade the initial setup.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
Trade Journal 1/9/2007

open:  where are your open-price lines - what-where were your trades AND were these prices used?

open:  the update discussed price at 783.10-782.80 which was used at the blue line 782.80 for open trading - other key prices were the overnight high-yesterday high for a buy AND the overnight low for a sell WITH 780.50 posted in the chatroom as a 'stall' area price above 780.20 - a price from yesterday's trading.

green dot:  +782.80/.90 buy - a trade done at price BUT done that 'quickly' because of the spike bar entry - no partial.

red dot:  initial reverse back through 782.80 WITH the entry done as a line reject into/through the diagonal from the overnight low and the spike bar low = -782.40 +781.70/+781.00 - i wasn't able to expand the initial partial.

yellow dot1 - yellow dot2:  the yellow dot buy would be an initial buy at through the overnight low - without mex flow as a setup component AND i held the trailing short for a break2 with mex flow OR a shift-reject - these setups didn't occur.  yellow dot2 would be a break-reject of the yellow line into the double bottom BUT without a retrace with mex flow AND the double bottom would be a horizontal breakout of the lows into 780.50 - i didn't like this setup as an addon.

green dot:  780.50 held and back to the yellow line AND an initial reverse without mex flow - BUT there is additional consideration here:  (1) 780.50 start location (2) higher low into the trade (3) prior breaks of  the line gave a diagonal to trade into/through.  i decided to reverse out of the trailing short.


chart1:  red dot sell is a shift-reject of s1 AND IF you look back left you also see this is a lower high WITH mex flow down through a 775.20 triple break.  the yellow circle is the initial reverse after this sell - is this a trade that 'can be done'?  IF yes - what is the setup - IF no where is the 'next' base setup?

yellow circle:  the point of this specific chart is to compare the red dot short which is the directional trade AND how 'quickly' this was entered after the initial -vs- the buy AND the 'wait' for additional components before the trade was done. 

-775.10 +773.80/+773.80/trail - this partial was able to be expanded as the setup was into/through a 774.80-774.30 low diagonal which broke AND then trailed to yesterday's low - either there was continuation to the trail OR a base partial would have to be done.  i can't do the yellow circle as a fast chart counter trade initial reverse AND also a trade that would be right at/into yesterday's low as resistance - no exit.

blue dot - green dot:  i considered the blue dot buy as a shift-reject of the blue line AND just decided to hold a short - a directional decision.  IF this trade had been done it never would have been exited.  continuing to hold above the blue line AND there was a double hold of the line WITH a double hold at the blue dots which sets up a triple range break.  AFTER the higher low AND the mex rollback - i did this combination line break2/triple range break buy. 

unfortunately a lot of giveback to the trailing contract BUT this will always be the case when direction won't resume - i am fine with the directional decisions made.  in many cases i would have done the blue dot buy BUT not the yellow circle as an initial.


chart2:  what is the market condition on this chart - what-where were your trades AND were they related to this condition?

market condition:  viewed as left side directional move consolidation AFTER a pmd high test of left side resistance = 10:22ct high 776.30 AND s1 as support.

yellow dot1 - yellow dot2:  these are both pivot trades in consolidation - not pivot entries - there are no lower highs WITH mex flow down.  no sell - no exit.

blue dot:  this is a base consolidation setup - a pivot shift WITH mex flow - into/through a triple range break BUT this is also a trade done into s1 support.  the open trade = +774.80 -775.60/-776.40/trail AND i have a decision - do i go short OR do i continue to hold a trailing buy for the first test of support.  holding at this time was the decision made AND there was no subsequent sell setup to do after the blue dot so the buy was never reversed or exited.

green dot:  i did this as an addon - the trade being a break through the 776.30 BUT done into/through the 2 dark blue dots as a right side triple diagonal AND then as an 'across the chart' breakout-continuation WITH the 120t mex rollback. 

no - not a 'poster chart' for addon trading BUT a trade with breakout potential on the slow chart resumption - the basis for giving this a try.  my biggest issue-reason for this chart was the consolidation hold AND the blue dot decision to continue to hold the profitable trade -vs- reversing short.


Trade Journal 1/10/2007

open:  the open-price update included a 'viewpoint' of the market regarding overnight resumption -vs- open centerline trading - do either of the yellow circles 'fit' this - what-where were your open trade?

yellow circles:  as discussed in the open update - the mindset was about a move back down first AND a buy and/or centerline trading second.  as well there was a discussion about the dark blue line 779.20 as an open centerline -vs- a resistance reject line 'into' a sell setup.

yellow circle1-yellow dot:  this is an open consolidation ledge breakout - i don't have a buy setup against direction on a breakout into a resistance line that was first being viewed for reject - nothing done.

yellow circle2-red dot - blue dot:  i didn't do anything at the dark cyan dot/flag break BUT then sold the channel pause-break into/through the flag diagonal and to the lows - a trade consistent with directional resumption.  IF flat i would have sold the blue dot which is a spike bar entry back through the 778.00 price line AND into/through the open consolidation lows - then to the overnight low.  again a directional setup BUT basis an attempt to trade resumption - i liked trying the red dot.


chart1:  did you trade on the open chart - IF yes what was the management of that trade - IF no what-where were your trades on this chart AND were they related to the open-price update resumption -vs- centerline trading?

management:  -778.30 allowed no partial at the 777.60 low - held the retrace back to 778.50 which rejected AND 'took out' 777.60 and continued to the overnight lows = +777.10/+777.40 reduce/trail.

green dot - blue dot:  i didn't consider the blue line break initial reverse as a buy AND then held the trailer back to the 778.50 which rejected BUT to a higher low with mex flow up AND did the blue line-green dot buy as a reverse out of the trailing short.  this trade is right side base as a break2 with mex flow up BUT it is a lot more than that - which made the decision to do the counter trade at this point:  (1) blue line break2 is also the 778.00 price specific break setup (2) with mex flow (3) into a triple top break of the yellow line - this was the primary component for doing this trade - that there was a break2 into a breakout setup.

IF flat i probably would have done the blue dot buy - i say it this way because the trade would have to be done as a breakout instead of into the break AND that is not an entry situation that i like - BUT:  (1) there was a shift reject of the 778.00 line (2) still with mex flow (3) triple top break (4) room into 779.20.

red dot:  while the buy were a more difficult decision - considering/looking for additional setup components for continuation because of direction - this sell here was done without issue: (1) shift line setup with 2 tests at the blue dot (2) retrace to double channel hold (3) with mex flow down (4) WITH direction.

my primary thoughts-point regarding the buy-sell at this time - doing the buy is 'trader's choice' BUT the sell 'should' be done.


chart2:  we have discussed failure in a number of ways - especially failure in the context of left side price where a price that 'should be' support can't hold AND then breaks-shifts to resistance.  related to this would be failure to consider - where that price that 'should be' support does hold AND with that hold a swing either reverses or continues.

consider these concepts of failure - are either of these an issue on this chart AND IF yes - how would they be related to trading decisions?  what-where were your trades?

failure1 - green dot1:  dark blue line lows AND considering the overnight low this area is setup to be a double triple break - that is a triple break across the chart AND a right side triple break after the double hold of the blue line/2 yellow dots.  what happened instead - the retrace after the double hold was against a pmd which held as a higher low at the initial low AND then there was a triple break of the blue line. 

this trade was done as an initial reverse - a counter trade that i don't typically take BUT there were the additional components regarding failure and triple break continuation that were available to be part of the decision - i would NOT have bought an initial indicator reverse only.  as well IF flat - which would have been the situation as i would not have held the trailing short on this retrace - i would not have done the yellow dot buy - not as a right side breakout right back into 779.20.  yes you can tell me that there was a retrace with mex flow into this trade BUT it's still a break1 entry AND i don't like doing a V reversal entry into a trade like this - down 8 ticks/up 8 ticks.

failure2 - green dot2:  the 2nd failure here involves the shift of 778.00 to support AND the 779.20 area as resistance setup as a triple break AFTER a higher low shift of 778.50 price shiftline from chart1 to support.  this would have been the trade done IF flat AND basis the breakout-continuation setup components of this trade after 2 key prices had shifted to support - i decided to try this as an addon 'feeling' that this setup is good enough as an entry if flat to reach a partial.


Trade Journal 1/11/2007

open:  where was your open centerline AND how was it related-used for your trading - what-where were your trades during this period - were there any setups that were base?

centerline:  blue line 785.80 yesterday high AND IF you didn't remember from other discussions what i meant by 'straddling' issues - you couldn't have a better example than the price movement back-and-forth through this line.

green dot:  yeah yeah yeah - jump in as quick as you can - ugh.  simply an attempt to buy the centerline break after the tweezer AND hit-setup of the line - into the channel high/overnight high.  didn't happen as the channel double topped and rejected - i held the buy AND this was my only trade on this chart.  IF there had been a setup like the yellow line-blue dot - i would have done that as a short.

yellow dots:  these are break1 pivot trades - not base AND i hope these look different to you than the trade that i tried - where there was a hit of the line to setup the break AND where there was the tweezer hold into the entry.

dark blue dot:  this is base - buy the dark blue line synch with the 2 dark blue dots AFTER a shift-reject of 785.80 to support AND into/through the prior breaks of this line.


chart1:  what is the market condition during this period - where were your trading price line - what-where were your trades?

market condition:  consolidation-transition - the first profitable sell of the day had triggered 9:16ct -793.90 [i had tried a sell at 9:01ct -791.00 which was a reverse back long +791.50 without any partial].

blue dot - yellow dots:  -793.90 +792.90/+792.90 2x partial/trail - i had no buy setup which would had triggered with a ticki high AND i then held the trailing short for reject.  IF flat i would have tried the blue dot sell as a re-entry on a line break WITH mex flow into the break.  yes this had mex flow BUT no this is not base - this is just a line break after a series of 'overlapping' setup bars. 

the yellow dots are not setups - they are breaks of the dark blue line BUT without mex flow - they are pivot trades in consolidation.  IF you tried this trade because it was a break into/through the prior 2 breaks/the inverted diagonal - i understand the trade - IF i had done this though i would have continued to hold it above irisk with no sell setup to exit with.

green dot:  this trade is the point of this chart - a comment on seeing a setup on the slower chart that i couldn't see on the faster chart - a break2 of the 793.20 area focus/centerline - back through the initial diagonal line break AND with slow chart mex flow on the retrace into the trade.  again remember we are making consolidation trading decisions - a time where the faster charts are the 'weakest' AND the slower charts can help give additional clarity.


chart2:  i see 3 momentum flips on this chart - are any of these components of base setups - IF yes where AND what were the setup components?

rectangle-yellow dot:  this is the point of including this chart - i 'need' you to quit seeing areas like this as patterns or triple breaks OR anything - besides consecutive overlapping bars on a line.  IF you take a trade on a break you are trading a ledge break AND i suggest you view it as such - of course mex flow continues down - how could it reverse on these little bars?  again - you want to take a trade like this its 'trader's choice' BUT it's not base AND don't invent it to be something that it's not.

green dot:  please tell me that the green dot looks different than the yellow dot - i'm on my knees begging J  you should see a line setup instead of ledge WITH individual distinct tests/hits AND the retrace with mex flow into the trade again is not 'drift in a ledge' BUT from a retrace.  this is a base pivot entry.

red dot:  +794.30 [filled the number buying the previous bar high break which was 794.20] -795.30/-795.30 2x partial/trail.  nothing done on the initial indicator reverse - there is no setup there - and held the trailer.  retrace to the dark blue focus line WITH mex flow down AND there was a ticki high - the red dot sell location is a ticki high reject through the bar low into/through the blue line.

another setup that i compare to the rectangle-yellow dot - setup components AND retrace flow that can be 'read' -vs- overlapping bar ledge breaks.


Trade Journal 1/12/2007

open:  where was your open centerline AND how was it related-used for your trading?  have you done an open trade yet - IF yes where and what was the setup?

green dot:  blue line 793.50 centerline shift-reject - buy break2 of the original overnight high before the news reaction - into/through the overnight high break1.

note:  you can see the yellow dot i placed at mex which synchs with the time of the buy.  before you say that the trade is against mex - remember that open trades are more price oriented first.  from the time the blue line broke to the green dot is less than 2 minutes - open activity-volume that indicators will lag.


open2:  IF you didn't do a buy on the open chart - did you do an open buy on this chart - IF yes where and what was the setup?  did you do any additional trades on this chart - IF yes what-where?

blue dot - green dot:  blue line ledge with 2 hits on each side/yellow dots - IF flat i would have bought the blue dot on the spike bar entry.  i don't typically like ledge breaks BUT this does have room to the highs AND is a directional trade - i would have tried it.  after the higher low AND the blue line break2 - i did the green dot as an addon - into/through the break1 high AND the highs.

yellow dot1 - red dot1:  blue line break - no sell setup - exited the addon/held the initial trail.  the red dot is base - blue line shift-reject is into/through the yellow line hit AND the main reason i tried this trade is the way this sets up the break through the left blue line.

yellow dot2 - red dot2:  there is no buy setup at the yellow dot - nor did one occur.  i exited the short and went flat waiting for a next setup AND went ahead and re-entered the sell.  the setup is a break again of the yellow - done because of the 2 blue dots as a triple diagonal break setup - IF this component doesn't exist i wouldn't have tried the sell yet.


chart1-2:  there are more than 2 trade setups on these charts BUT consider them on a trade selectivity basis - i see 2 specific failure setups that i would do regardless of anything else that may have been tried - what-where are those setups?

selectivity is more than a right side base setup - selectivity is an across the chart setup that takes longer to setup and develop BUT as result includes 'more' setup components involving price-failure/price break continuation.  the specific setups that i was referring to in the question are chart1-red dot1 AND chart2-red dot1.

chart1-red dot1:  the market is in consolidation after a move to the highs after breaking through yesterday's high AND is the typical case before consolidation - the high is a price momentum divergence high.  is the dark blue dot a base setup - a setup break of the blue line AFTER a lower high with mex flow down?  yes BUT it's counter AND what is it being traded into/through besides the blue line?  this is right side base BUT there is nothing additionally selective in terms of failure.

red dot:  same blue line BUT now consider the failure - the dark blue line holding as resistance when it was able to break the first time - the 2 yellow dots that are being traded into/through as a triple diagonal break.  the trade is done as a pmd-swing reverse AND consolidation break - failure-continuation selectivity important both for the market condition and the market direction. 

IF flat the blue dot was the first continuation trade AND picks up an additional setup component from the shift-reject of the blue line - still into/through the triple diagonal.

chart2 - red dot1:  after the sell there is a reverse back 'into buy' AND there is a right side base setup to enter BUT what adds the failure component to this setup is the 'starting' location at the blue line - the chart1 center line rejecting as resistance AND then there is additional failure when the dark blue line support gives a break2 spike bar entry into/through the diagonal.

these are 3 key failure components:  (1) left side price of a a previous break shift to resistance (2) key right side support won't shift AND breaks (3) breakout potential from a diagonal from the previous swing.


NOTE red dot2 - a trade that was done as an addon - is this a rsr-mpf?  you can see the rsr from the channel reject synched with the diagonal line midpoint AND the yellow line is a matched price - BUT.  the key to a mpf is the failure component that is being traded into/through - for instance additional points on a diagonal with a target at the diagonal start point.  we don't have that at the yellow line - we a support price setup to break BUT we are not trading further through the previous swing as this was the start point of the diagonal.

if the setup had occurred like the blue line-blue dot - a setup at the diagonal midpoint WITH the yellow line target - then we would have had a matched price failure setup.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
Trade Journal 2/5/2007

euro1:  consider the blue centerline-yellow dots - would you regard any of these as base setups - which dot would you view as the 'best' trade setup?

yellow dot1 - green dot1 [yellow dot2]:  IF you were trading the euro you would be aware of the left side down swing AND you would be aware of the left side price/dark blue line at 12957. 

this combination wouldn't let me buy the yellow dot as an initial reverse at the blue centerline - regardless that i would be trading into/through the double channel hold as a triple break - the trade would be right into 12957 which hasn't been setup to break.  NOTE - IF this had been a resumption sell AND the directional trade - i would have done a similar short setup.

after the reject of 12957 then the centerline hit/higher low - i did the green dot buy again into/through the double channel AND the dark blue line which has been tested-hit.

red dot [yellow dot3]:  the purpose of including this chart is to point out the yellow diagonal line synched with the blue centerline AND that IF you take this trade as an initial reverse - you are taking the trade as the resumption of the left side direction WHICH is through the diagonal.  similar to making the note above regarding the yellow dot through the double channel/triple break IF it was a resumption sell - i tried this initial-resumption sell because of the diagonal break which is also a continuation indication.


chart1:  consider the chart to the right of the yellow circle - is this a base buy setup - IF no where is a base buy setup?  now consider the rectangle which starts at the initial reverse - is this a base sell setup - IF no where is a base sell setup?

chart2:  consider the chart to the right of the yellow circle - is this a base buy setup - IF no where is a base buy setup?

these charts weren't included to discuss the trade setups - they were included to discuss a very difficult trading situation today AND also point out how this same situation was making it hard to figure out how to get into a trade in time to partial.  this was a situation that i struggled with a number of times today AND consequently my trade quantity was below average - there were a number of potential trades that just weren't tried AND there were a number of trades that were thus held longer.

i tried to point this situation out at the beginning of the day in the chatroom AND compare it to a very similar situation as 2-1 AND that was with regards to a key price point/floor number location - on these charts the issue was the 2-2 low 809.60 AND s1 810.30 - which was only 7 ticks apart.


yellow circle-yellow dots - green dot:  what i kept finding as my problem was the 'need' to trade more aggressively than i wanted to OR not being able to get into a trade 'in time' to partial.  i don't want to go long here on a congestion ledge counter pivot trade buy through 809.60 AND i also don't want to buy either of the blue line-yellow dot trades right into s1 as resistance - yellow dot1 i don't have a setup to consider anyway. 

yellow dot2 is a trade that i would often try as a resumption trade to the yellow circle BUT instead because of s1  - the trade that was done was the green dot as a s1 reject - that trade didn't partial BUT yellow dot2 would have.

red dot:  this wasn't as big of an issue regarding the entry - the trade was done as a break-reject of s1 as resistance in a down market BUT it was an issue getting a partial - as 809.60 hit and immediately rejected-retraced back to the s1.  

yellow line wedge - blue dot:  i held my short on the retrace for a s1/yellow line reject.  IF flat i would not sell the reject from yellow square1 - i have no setup there - BUT i would have shorted the blue dot after the double hold/wedge break.  i also mentioned that if i had gone flat the red dot sell because it move a couple ticks higher and got whipsawed - i would have re-entered that sell at the blue dot.


yellow circle- yellow dot:  i am still short from the chart1 red dot = -810.00 +809.00/+809.10/trail.  i don't want an initial buy at the yellow circle AND i also don't want the yellow dot buy at 809.60 regardless of it being right side base - i want to be short still AND regardless i don't want this entry AND the 'straddle' issues of a price point like this.

blue dot - green dot:  i went flat 809.80 on the retest-reject of 809.60 - BUT even though i am flat i didn't want to buy the blue line-blue dot right into s1/this is essentially the same trade-decision as the blue line-yellow dot2 on chart1.  AND again the same problem regarding the amount of room that has gone buy from the initial entry not done - having to trade more aggressively than i wanted to OR needing enough continuation to partial on a s1 reject -vs- trading into s1. 

remember that the issue is not taking a counter trade - it is taking this trade right into a 'known' resistance point and/or having room to take the trade into s1 and partial there.  AND also like chart1 - the blue dot buy which would have been done without s1 wasn't AND then the green dot s1 reject buy didn't go far enough to partial = +810.40-.50f 1220ct -810.20-.10f reverse on the s1/ledge break WITH flow.


Trade Journal 2/6/2007

chart1:  consider your open price specifics AND the nature of the open which was essentially 2 way range search between the floor pivot AND the overnight high - where were the base setups AND where was the 'best' setup?

open price specifics:  a centerline related to the 812.10-812.20 pmd from yesterday's last hour reverse - the blue centerline on this chart at 812.40 was a focus line used from today's trading.  the top blue line 813.20 was next resistance from yesterday/above the 812.80 overnight high AND in this location the floor pivot was support.

blue dot1 - red dot1:  double hold at the yellow squares 812.90 is a hold of the 812.80 overnight high - blue focus line break2 after the spike bar BUT i have no way to react to this real time on the up bar-reversal bar back through the line -with no mex flow to be 'looking' for this entry.  the trade done was the pause-reject of the line.  i regard this as a base-open trade with the double top 'start point'.

green dot:  there is nothing that i can do at the yellow circle besides an indicator reverse right into the channel/price resistance - i went flat on the break.  the green dot was a pause-break of the focus line - mex is still flowing up so the issue of trading into a pmd isn't there at the time.  this is a first continuation trade AND in that context has base components of mex and the focus price - i find that this is typically a difficult trade for people to see - i think it's because of more directed right side focus where this line really isn't apparent.

blue dot2 - red dot2:  of all the setups on this chart - i actually like the blue dot2 the best AND that is because of the dark blue squares - the start point of the blue line resistance AND the lower high double top retest - THEN the lower high WITH mex flow [ttm has already flipped] - sell the blue focus line break.  i also realize that this tends to be a more difficult trade for people to think - again i think it's a right side focus -vs- seeing the structure of how this setup comes together.  the trade was entered at the red dot was simply where the trade filled - as i missed my entry at the blue dot.


chart2:  what are the key prices on this chart AND what-where were the base setups related to these prices?

key prices:  floor pivot AND the blue left-right centerline at 810.50.

red dot:  combination floor pivot break-blue focus line WITH mex flow down - this is a floor pivot reject-failure sell - this is base.  i mentioned this in the chatroom AND want to mention it again - those bars 2 ticks above the floor pivot instead of exactly at the floor pivot does not mean this isn't a reject of the floor pivot - NOT with mex flowing down while the line is testing.

green dot:  pmd low AND no pmd swing-swing reverse - we have gone into consolidation AND there is no related setup on the break of the blue centerline after the double bottom.  there is no mex flow for a pivot entry AND there is no triple range break setup - no trade setup to try.  the green dot was done as a shift of the blue line area to support WITH the timing of this trade being into the 2 yellow squares as a triple range break setup.  again note - this is a consolidation break setup AND not a pmd related setup - as the pmd was a transition into consolidation.


chart3:  this trading period is one of s1 'straddling' AND thus any trade tried should be a s1 break-failure setup - did such a trade setup occur on this chart - IF yes where?

yellow dot:  nothing to consider - this is a non-setup floor number break

red dot:  this is a s1 break-failure setup - the setup is after a double top-lower high WITH mex flow down AND into the 2 yellow square triple break.

green dot:  this is also a s1 break-failure setup - in this case a break2-mex flow setup. 

i do know that this is not our basic break2 line drawing entry pattern - this is more similar to the trade journal from the weekend and the pmd-break2 BUT there is no way to bring the yellow line above the pmd into this particular trade - we can't because it would be a trade into s1 -vs- a break-failure of s1. 

dark blue dot:  this being said - the green dot is break2 of the line WITH mex flow AND it's not right into next/left resistance.  i realize this is not as easy to see as the red dot because of the triple break AND that trade was with direction.  IF flat i would try the dark blue dot as a first continuation trade - a shift of the dark blue line through the 2 dark blue squares as an across the chart triple top break - right side ledge break.  AND IF the trade was done in the chatroom you know you would hear me whining about having to do a breakout entry instead of a trade into the breakout - nonetheless this would be a time that i tried - particularly with room into the dark blue rectangle as resistance.


Trade Journal 2/7/2007

open:  where were your open price specifics - what-where were your open trade AND how was price related?

price specifics:  814.10-813.90 which was shifted to the 814.20 blue line for the open trade.  also the dark blue line overnight higher low to the 812.90-813.00 shiftline discussed on the update.

red dot:  double channel reject focus line break WITH mex flow.  the first continuation setup is the dark blue line matched price - enter at the dark blue dot as a break2 instead of break1 of the line - this is where the line fails as support AND with the mex extreme i have the issues that the first break is a trade into a pmd at this support point.  i didn't do this as an addon AND really should have given it a try because of the mpf setup - IF this was a combination swing direction-market direction setup i wouldn't have hesitated.

yellow dot:  pmd low AND retrace to the 812.90-813.00 shift line and a 'ledge stall' - to go long here would be a ledge breakout.  regardless of mex flowing up here the break still has to be considered as an initial reverse AND the mex flow is a function of the stall AND not from a momentum build like you get on the retrace in a break2 setup.  i had no setup on a sup:res ledge break AND also held the trailing short.


chart1:  price moved down from the open AND then transitioned into consolidation as it tested the floor pivot.  besides the floor pivot where were the key prices during this period - what-where were your trades AND how was price related-how was the setup related to the market condition?

key price:  from the open update the prices that you 'know' in this area are the dark blue lines at 812.60-812.10.

green dot:  initial reverse then retrace to 812.10 which rejected to 812.60 - i decided to do this as an 812.60 break - i wouldn't have tried this trade yet if not for the way the 812.60 price lines matched up.

blue dot:  this is really a better setup than the one that i did - IF i had just exited at the green dot instead of trying the reverse - this would have been my next trade as there was no sell to have considered doing.  the green dot move went back to the 813.00 price AND rejected back down to 812.10 again THEN gave a break2-mex flow at the blue dot WHICH was also into the 'across the chart' triple top break.

there is no way to see this setup inside of fast chart consolidation UNLESS you were focused on price specifics AND how this is also a price action setup besides being right side base.  inside consolidation and/or a counter swing trade - i want more than right side only setups.


chart2:  price has moved to the highs BUT any attempt to break r2 AND shift it to support is rejected - thus causing the market to remain in consolidation.  consider the blue line-yellow dots - do you regard either of these as consolidation break setups - also considering that the trade IF done is counter?  IF yes - which dot AND what is the setup - IF no did you do a sell after yellow dot2 and what was the setup?

120t yellow circle - red dot:  the purpose of chart2 and the questions is to point out chart2b AND the setup clarity that would never be evident using the fast chart in consolidation.  neither of the yellow dots is a consolidation setup - neither is a line break2-mex flow AND into a triple range break.

however there is a very good setup that triggers during the time at the 120t red dot - a setup components that i can't see IF only using the 52t:  (1) blue line break2 after the ttm flip (2) trendline break2 (3) r2 shift-reject (4) with mex flow AND a ttmf hook (5) with diagonal break continuation potential.


red dot2:  dark blue line-red dot is a base pmd-failure addon.  now go 'look' for this setup with a fast chart only focus - can you find it?  the setup on the 52t only is a 817.00 focus line break as ttm resumes - it looks like a line break inside congestion AND without mex flow as part of the setup - realtime i would not have considered the addon without seeing what this looked like with the 120t.


Trade Journal 2/8/2007

open:  we spent the overnight breaking open update setups AND instead of these being available for trading - we found ourselves dealing with an open in the area of support ahead of yesterday's closing breakout.  what-where was your open trade AND what was the setup?  what-where the trades done during this period - are you short on the last bar of this chart - IF no where was your next trade?

yellow dot - red dot1:  i couldn't sell the floor pivot break at the yellow dot - i have no setup.  unfortunately a floor pivot break2 setup didn't occur AND i had to try the red dot first continuation as a floor pivot reject which filled 817.20 - so i couldn't get a partial at the 816.50 low which held.

dark blue circle - dark blue dot:  i didn't consider buying the dark blue circle on the initial reverse AND then didn't do the dark blue line-dark blue dot as a reverse which was a directional decision - the setup is right side base with 'enough room' to the floor pivot that i could manage a reject there.

red dot2:  i never did a buy on the swing - after the dark blue dot i went flat AND then didn't want to do a floor pivot break buy.  there was an initial reverse which was a combination blue line retest/diagonal line hit - no setup on the initial BUT THEN with the lower high - i re-entered the sell on break2 of this area.  with the setup directional AND into the diagonal - this setup had breakout potential AND gave a move through 816.50 AND a 2x partial at 815.70. 

why this chart:  (1) open trade entry problems and losing trade (2) directional decision not to do a trade that would have been a winning trade after the losing trade - always a 'bad' feeling (3) re-enter trade that had breakout potential AND regardless of the 2 previous issues and 'the want' of a partial - the partial was allowed to expand and it turned into an 18 tick p1 - which was bigger than the 15 ticks [5t * 3 contracts] on the losing trade. 


chart1:  where are the key prices for trading AND what is the market condition during this period?  what-where are the setups base to the market condition - what-where were your trades?

key prices:  yellow line 816.50 initial low as shift line resistance - dark blue focus line which synchs with 815.80 from the open update chart - s1 814.50.

red dot:  nothing was done on this initial indicator reverse - still short AND then with the resumption back through the focus line - i did the red dot as an addon.  this trade was done into/through the yellow square double bottom with room on a break-test of the s1 to partial - with out the setup component i would not have tried the setup.

dark blue circle - yellow dot:  -815.50 +814.70/+814.70/trail - this was the addon AND the trailer was exited at 815.50 on the initial reverse - still short the trailer.  after the yellow square hold AND focus line break - i have a right side base setup through the channel and the blue line-yellow line resistance - nothing done.

green dot:  blue line break into/through the 2 hits of the yellow line as a triple break as first continuation to the yellow dot AND an immediate loser.  is this a base first continuation setup that was a loser OR a 'bad' trade?  it was a bad trade - i blew it - i reacted to the yellow dot not being done AND missed that this was a trade into a pmd at resistance as a counter trade. 

why this chart:  (1) to discuss a 'bad' trade that i did AND point out an issue of seeing that you aren't in a winning trade AND missing a critical component related to the 'next' trade - that instead of keeping you flat - became a losing trade.  now what - which is no doubt something that separates different traders - do you take your loss AND go on without 'steaming' OR do you continue to dwell on what you did AND miss a winning trade-take another 'bad' trade?


chart2:  what-where the trades done during this period - are you short on the last bar of this chart - IF no where was your next trade?

blue dot - yellow dots:  the blue dot is a setup that i was fine with taking - an indicator reverse back through 816.50 price AND the blue line-yellow square triple diagonal AND nothing was done because this trade triggered with the 9:30ct eia natural gas release AND i don't 'chase' news. 

yellow dot1 - ledge break as first continuation - nothing done.  yellow dot2 - floor pivot break2 - nothing done.  i am always going to have a problem with yellow dot2 as a counter trade AND without mex flow or rollback lag.  this is a setup that i can view as a pmd-failure continuation AND no that the mex rollback is imminent on the break - BUT not at the floor pivot as pmd resistance.

red dot - blue dot:  the red dot was done as the blue line break2 which was viewed as a floor pivot reject-failure.  the blue dot is a matched price failure of the yellow line AND as a triple break of the 2 yellow squares.  the squares placed where they are/viewed as a triple break - as these are the 2 hits-tests of the yellow line that synch with the retest-failure of the floor pivot resistance OF WHICH the floor pivot reject-failure is an important component of any trades being done here. 

one of the additional keys to this setup is the continuation potential we see from matched price failures - this line 'should' be support AND when it fails left side longs are being exited AND an trader joe who has tried to buy the pullback to support at the line - is having their trade stopped out.

why this chart:  (1) to discuss a situation where a trade that you would typical take can't be done because of news AND the subsequent issues trying to enter the trade when there is no pullback - it sucks when this happens and you keep seeing the move going without you BUT that's the way it goes sometimes.  not all winning swings have an entry for you AND it sucks a lot more to take a trade that you aren't committed to that turns out to be a loser AND then further impacts the 'next' trading decision AND compounds the problem.  (2) the sell setup-trigger was done without issue - that issue continuing to be mad about missing the winning buy because of the news AND turned out to be a very good trade = -817.60 +816.40/+815.80/+816.00 = 46 ticks of profit -vs- a 40 tick daily range at the time.


Trade Journal 2/9/2007

Instead of a chart-trade discussion for the journal today - I have 2 discussions on trading psychology AND it's relationship-interrelationship with trading method.  These pages have been 'rebuilt' from prior training sessions AND include the text-audio from them.

Is it overstated when it is said that trading psychology as the reason for trading losses is 90% trading psychology, or any similar high overweighting of trading psychology over trading method?  To say this also seems to be saying that regardless of method, a trader with control of all emotional issues would be a profitable trader, and I can't accept that as the case.  If a trader was able to trade 'any' method profitably they would do so because of (1) their understanding of the method's inherent strengths and weaknesses (2) their ability to maximize these strengths and minimize the weaknesses.  But regardless, how could a trader ever overcome any amount of trading psychology related issues without this complete understanding of method and how they intend to trade it, and thus the resulting confidence that they will be trading profitably.

Trading psychology has become so widely 'discussed' and 'promoted' in books, articles, consultants, etc - that it has become available as any necessary excuse for losing and not taking responsibility, as a trader keeps trying to trade against the market and against themselves.  For instance, keep trying to buy the bottom of a strong downtrend, or keep trying to take indicator trades inside of a range that isn't wide enough to provide a partial profit; is this method, or is this psychology?
You have a great trading method and trading plan. You have profitably paper traded, and you now start trading real money AND everything falls apart, your method and plan no longer work.  Everything you do is wrong, and you continually lose money - you come to the point where you can't even trade any more.

We continue to discuss the importance of trading AND planning; you can't trade without a plan that is both consistent with your personality and with a given trading methodology.  The plan must then further define the components of the trading methodology in order to develop specific trading setups, as well as a way to manage the risk/reward of those setups. 

The objective of the trading method plan is to develop a plan that includes your ‘core’ repetitive setups that you have established a positive expectancy, that you can recognize realtime AND that you have accepted the implications of in terms of related risk/reward.  BUT this might not be enough - there still may be issues that are related to emotion AND fear that circumvent the implementation of the method plan.

Like a trading methodology plan being a key to making the transition from method to paper trading to realtime trading, making a trading psychology plan would be just as significant to making the transition from trader action/trader psychology to trading method/trader trading.  The objective of the trading psychology plan is to develop a plan to deal with the emotion/fear issues that either circumvent the method implementation OR keeps a trader from trading at all.   Take the trader's actions and give a honest assessment/understanding of a given action, and then define a 'setup' for replacing the action.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
Trade Journal 5/29/2007

Today's day trading journal is related to the day trading report sent out over the weekend regarding being able to see-trade fast charts-right side only.  IF you didn't get a chance to study this - here is the link:



chart1:  consolidation period between r1 trying to shift to support AND 836.10 high which was a 'missed hit' of 836.30 resistance - are there any base setup during this period - IF yes what-where?

chart2:  consolidation period between r2 trying to shift to support AND an 839.20 lower high after a prior 839.80 high which was a 'missed hit' of 840.00 resistance - are there any base setup during this period - IF yes what-where?


chart3:  another consolidation period again after a high is made AND trying to hold support while continuing the move up.  what are they key prices involved AND were there any base setups related to these prices - do you have a trade open at the end of this period?

chart1:  consolidation period between r1 trying to shift to support AND 836.10 high which was a 'missed hit' of 836.30 resistance - are there any base setup during this period - IF yes what-where?

green dot - 52t blue dot-120t yellow dot:  the green dot buy was done as a shift-reject of r1 as support WITH mex flow up on the reject AND synched with the 120t initial reverse into-through the overnight high 835.00 - the open price specific in this area was 834.90 = +834.90|835.00 fill.  IF you define base as 'needing' a break2 entry pattern then this wouldn't be based - BUT i do view this as a price-open base buy setup with direction.

the blue-yellow dot is VERY base as a shift-reject of resistance to support AND as a left-right break2 into-through the 2 right side breaks AND continuation-breakout potential through the pmd high previously made WITH 120t mex flow up on the retrace. 

did you do this trade - IF not why?  IF not be sure the reason wasn't because you couldn't see-differentiate the setup right side only on the fast chart - IF yes be sure you did the trade as described because the selectivity components to this trade don't exist trading fast chart only - which then means you may take many fast chart trades that look similar BUT aren't. 


chart2:  consolidation period between r2 trying to shift to support AND an 839.20 lower high after a prior 839.80 high which was a 'missed hit' of 840.00 resistance - are there any base setup during this period - IF yes what-where?

red dot - green dot:  this was a more difficult consolidation than chart1.  there is that typical 'slowing down' period BUT the market had already failed twice trying to break through the high-higher highs AFTER the 9:00ct news reaction high-reverse. 

IF there are trade setups during this period they aren't break2 with mex flow AND they are not triple range break setups - so no there are not any base setups during this period.

that being said i took 2 trades as price related AND with mex flow - these are not pivot trades.  the sell being the double hold reject into-through the blue line AND 2 yellow squares so this is a triple break - the buy being a shift-reject of the blue line into-through the 2 yellow square to the chart high-daily highs as targets.  i did nothing on the blue line break setup-break with mex flow as a pivot trade - i am still long on the last bar of this chart.


chart3:  another consolidation period again after a high is made AND trying to hold support while continuing the move up.  what are they key prices involved AND were there any base setups related to these prices - do you have a trade open at the end of this period?

red dot:  i showed this chart ALSO like chart1 - as a setup that i think many won't see on the fast chart only AND IF done the selectivity of the setup isn't what is being traded as a function of the 'fast chart-right side syndrome' - this is a very good trade setup.

we know that when 839.80 was the high that it was testing 840.00-840.50 as the next resistance area AND we know the problems related to the consolidation trying to break back through the 839.20 - so after the break this is now the key shift to support IF we can sustain the swing.

consider the price action - 840.40 pmd high 'missed hit' of the 840.50 price AND then the fast chart consolidates-synched with the 120t initial reverse - which gives to hits-tests of the 839.20 price at the 2 blue squares.  then there is a retrace back to the 840.00 price which rejects WITH mex flow down - sell the reject into-through the triple break setup of the key price AND WITH the breakout potential of retest of the left side diagonal prices.

did you do this trade - IF not why?  IF not be sure the reason wasn't because you couldn't see-differentiate the setup right side only on the fast chart - IF yes be sure you did the trade as described because the selectivity components to this trade don't exist trading fast chart only - which then means you may take many fast chart trades that look similar BUT aren't. 


Trade Journal 5/30/2007

open:  the open continued the overnight sell off - did you have a setup to enter this swing - what-where?  is yellow circle1 a base setup - IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?  is yellow circle2 a base setup - IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?

chart1:  consider the 3 yellow circles AND whether they are base setups AND IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?


chart2:  this chart starts after around 30 minutes of VERY tight consolidation around the s1 floor number after a left side sell AND then breaks out into a buy - was there a base-initial or base-first continuation setup to enter the trade - IF yes what-where?

open:  the open continued the overnight sell off - did you have a setup to enter this swing - what-where?  is yellow circle1 a base setup - IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?  is yellow circle2 a base setup - IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?

red dot1 - red dot2:  when the open prices 833.60 | 832.40-831.80 were posted - i mentioned to look for 832.90 to be a 'stall area' based on previous price action - the open sell was a 'quick' reject of 832.90 = -832.60.  price moved through 832.40 area to 831.80 AND again stalled - red dot2 was the sold at 831.70 as an addon after the tweezer at the yellow square.  this would have been the open IF i hadn't been able to react to the 832.90 reject AND no the fast chart pmd was not an issue at open trade issue basis directional strength AND the price pause-reject setups.

yellow circle1 - green dot:  the yellow circle is an initial reverse AND is not base against the overnight-open direction - the addon was exited on the break.  the green dot is the first continuation to the initial reverse [OR in this case also the initial base].  the setup is a break of the 831.80 key price AFTER the retrace back to the area of the initial reverse WITH mex flow up-ttmf hook - into-through the synch triple diagonal-triple break of the yellow squares = +831.90 reverse of the red dot1 sell.

yellow circle2 - red dot3:  the yellow circle is an initial reverse BUT this i would view as base - do remember we have never said an initial reverse isn't base - we said that we 'needed' a reason to do the trade without a retrace without mex flow.  directional strength down AND multiple hits-holds of yesterday's low as resistance AND as a pmd high - the key price 832.90 has hit twice setting up a triple break = reverse the trailing long -832.90|.80f.


chart1:  consider the 3 yellow circles AND whether they are base setups AND IF not is there a first continuation setup to enter the swing - what-where?

price:  dark blue lines = 836.90-836.30 which were a price action pair - blue line = 836.10 which is a focus line in the area.

none of the yellow circle initial reverses are setup that were done OR that i would view as initial base.

yellow circle1 - red dot1:  there is no setup to consider at the yellow circle and a shift line break1 into 836.90 - the red dot sell was done after the 2 hits of the 836.90 price AND a lower high with mex flow down = -836.90f entering on the 837.10 break after the lower high.

yellow circle2 - yellow circle3:  yellow circle2 is an initial reverse through 836.30 and into the last channel reject 836.50 AND after deciding not to do a buy here - i then decided to hold the trailing short.  yellow circle3 is an initial reverse through 836.30 AND where you might consider doing the buy - there is no setup to consider here UNLESS you are trading price only - that being a reject of 836.90 as a failure-break through 836.30 as a replace of the red dot sell IF flat.

red dot2:  after the reject-failure 836.90-836.30 AND the break-shift of the blue focus line 836.20 - i decided to sell that reject at the red dot as an addon to the red dot1 trailing short = -835.90 - which was able to continue through s1 to an expanded partial at 834.60.


chart2:  this chart starts after around 30 minutes of VERY tight consolidation around the s1 floor number after a left side sell AND then breaks out into a buy - was there a base-initial or base-first continuation setup to enter the trade - IF yes what-where?

how bad was this consolidation - this is actually continuation from the 9:32ct addon from chart1.

green dot:  call this setup whatever you want - in the chatroom i called it terrible as an extended consolidation-s1 breakout that was done instead of simply going flat = +835.30 reverse of the 836.90 sell after the -835.90 addon was exited 835.10.  as it turned out i never exited this buy so it was still long at the last bar on this chart BUT that sure doesn't make this a good trade - it makes it a damn lucky hold-reject.

yellow dot - dark blue dot:  the yellow dot is the initial base - the dark blue dot is the first continuation.  IF i had gone flat instead of doing the green dot buy - i probably would have done the yellow dot buy as a shift-reject of s1 WITH mex flow up and into-through the dark blue line-2 yellow square triple break - the significance of this line being it's the 2nd break of the consolidation high. 

IF i had done the green dot buy and went flat - i probably would have done the dark blue dot buy instead - wanting an additional setup of the consolidation breaking out as break2 of the dark blue line which is also a triple top break of the yellow squares into-through a triple top break of the blue squares STILL WITH mex flow of the initial buy.  the dark blue dot is the best setup of the 2 basis the extended consolidation we had gone through.


Trade Journal 5/31/2007

open:  consider opening trading as price setups and base method setups - what-where were these setups - what-where were your open trades?

open-120t:  IF i am flat at the time of the blue dot AND go long there - have a taken a base setup - why-why not?

green dot1:  dark blue focus line - 2 yellow square tweezer hold of the left 'spike' bar low - green dot buy.  this is a price setup done WITH the overnight direction as a resumption trade after the support test-hold = +846.30|.40f.

dark blue line:  dark blue line NOW as the centerline break2 - BUT not with mex flow AND against the 120t and direction - no sell-no exit.  this would be a center line trade as a pivot trade - i do not view this as a price trade because there is no reject-failure which are key price components.  again just a pivot break - that could be considered a method trade IF there was break2 with mex flow and not counter against the 120t.

blue dot:  120t dc channel hold-mex roll back | 52t shift-reject of the dark blue focus line - blue diagonal break-indicator resumption - this is a method base setup.  BUT there is no break2-mex flow - i agree BUT that isn't the only right side definition of a method base setup - a centerline shift-reject synch with the 120t AND a diagonal break WITH direction is a method base setup.

green dot2 [blue dot in question]:  dark blue line shift-reject - break2 of the blue line initial overnight high WHICH includes break2 of the key 848.10 price = +847.90|848.10f addon to green dot1 +846.40 -847.40/-848.20/trail - addon partials = -848.90/-849.10 reduce/trail.

this is method base-price setup combination - which are of our best setups.  BUT isn't this against the 120t pmd?  is it - mex hasn't crossed back through the extreme line AND look at the ttm high into the trade - is that an extreme that you would say won't break AND would instead be a ttm lh-pmd?  this buy isn't into a pmd BUT in this specific case [general guideline -vs- specific method strength decision] - the price setup especially including break2 of 848.10 would have been tried.


chart1:  to begin with - why do you think that i have selected this chart to discuss?  what is the market condition 'coming into' this period - what-where were your trades - were they base?

why did i select this chart:  because it was a good trading swing that included an addon BUT could not be traded on the fast chart alone.

red dot1 - blue dot:  the 120t shows this as a pmd initial reverse BUT it was synched with the 52t shift-reject of the dark blue line-left channel - i sold the failure of this line AND not simply a reject of the dark blue line segment shown on the 52t - IF that was all that i had i wouldn't be short yet.

do you see a first continuation setup on the 52t OR do you see a ledge break against the pmd?  look at the 120t AND a very good first continuation setup - the shift-reject of  the 120t dark blue line as resistance AND as break2 of the blue matched price WITH mex flow.  again a base setup that you 'need' the 120t chart to see.

red dot2:  did you see this as an addon setup OR as a consolidation breakout?  again i got my setup-clarity from the 120t AND the reject-failure combination of the 848.10 line - triple break of the 2 yellow squares-dark blue line matched price - still with room to the 'bottom' of the diagonal WHICH was also key as our open price 847.10.

trade results = -848.90 +847.90/+848.10/+846.50 | -847.40 +846.30/+846.30/+846.20 = +72 ticks per 3 contracts - in a situation where the right side only-fast chart trader may not see a trade setup. 

[ 本帖最后由 老TK 于 2008-11-28 19:06 编辑 ]
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
take time to enjoy, good for amateur
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 07:10 PM | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 老TK 于 2008-11-28 19:08 发表 take time to enjoy, good for amateur


回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Cobra 于 2008-11-28 19:10 发表 Thanks.

It's too easy for Cobra
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 07:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
hard to follow. Thanks for your work!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 live111 于 2008-11-28 19:36 发表 hard to follow. Thanks for your work!

will be very tied after following this guy's mind, but it's good for amateurs if they never get a chance to see an old trader's mind path during the trading. 
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 07:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing!!
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 07:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-28 07:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 seafood 于 2008-11-28 19:40 发表 姥姥的,他是真的还是假的哈?

You bet on it.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 07:59 PM | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 老TK 于 2008-11-28 19:43 发表 You bet on it.


回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-28 09:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-28 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-29 12:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-29 02:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
i try to find where did you get this journal.  google get    http://www.tactrade.com
look like good as you said, maybe i need register one too.  how much ?
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-29 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 seafood 于 2008-11-28 19:59 发表 WK,侬搞来,懂伐拉。翻译翻译?:" />
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2008-11-29 04:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
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