Today’s news about October retail sales (-2.8% relative to the previous
month and now down in real terms for five months in a row) confirm what this
forum has been arguing for a while, i.e. that the U.S. has entered its most
severe consumer-led recession in decades. At this rate of free fall in
consumption real GDP growth could be a whopping 5% negative or even worse in Q4
of 2008. And this is not a temporary phenomenon as almost all of the
fundamentals driving consumption are heading south on a persistent and
structural basis. Consider the many severe negative factors affecting
consumption. One can count at least 20 separate or complementary causes that
will sharply reduce consumption in the next several years:
· The US
consumer is shopped-out having spent for the last few years well above its
· The US
consumer is saving-less as the already low household savings rate at the
beginning of this decade went to zero/negative by 2006 and has now to raise to
more sustainable levels.
· The US
consumer is debt burdened with the debt to disposable income having increased
from 70% in the early 1990s to 100% in 2000 and to 140% in 2008.
· Not only debt ratios are high and rising but debt servicing ratios are
also high and rising having gone from 11% in 2000 to almost 15% now as the
interest rate on mortgages and consumer debt is resetting at higher levels.
· The value of housing wealth is now sharply falling by over $6 trillion as
home price depreciation will soon be 30% and reach a cumulative fall of over
40% by 2010. Recent estimates of this wealth effect suggest that the effect may
be closer to 12-14% rather than the historical 5-7%. And with home prices
falling over 30% about 40% of all households with a mortgage (or 21 million out
of 50 who have a mortgage) will be under water (negative equity in their homes)
with a huge incentive to walk away from their homes.
· Mortgage equity withdrawal (MEW) is collapsing from $700 billion
annualized in 2005 to less than $20 in Q2 of this year. Thus, with falling
housing wealth and collapsing MEH US households cannot use their homes anymore
as ATM machines borrowing against them.
· The value of the equity wealth of US households has fallen by almost 50%,
another ugly wealth effect on consumption.
· The credit crunch is becoming more severe as the recent Q2 flow of funds
data and the Fed Loan Officers’ Survey suggests: it is spreading from sub-prime
to near prime to prime mortgages and home equity loans; and from mortgages to
credit cards, auto loans and student loans. Both the price and the quantity of
credit are sharply tightening.
· Consumer confidence is down to levels not seen since the 1973-75 and
1980-82 recessions.
· Real wage growth and real income growth has been stagnant in the last few
years as income and wealth inequality has been rising. And now with GDP and
real incomes falling real consumption will fall sharply.
· The Fed is reaching the zero-bound on interest rates as the economy gets
close to deflation given the slack in goods, labor and commodity markets.
Deflation means that consumers will postpone consumption as future prices are
lower than current prices, as real rates are positive and rising and as debt
deflation increases the real value of the households nominal debts
· Employment has been falling for 10 months in a row and the rate of job
losses is now accelerating. In the last recession in 2001 that was short and
shallow (8 months from March to November 2001 with a cumulative fall in GDP of
only 0.4%) job losses continued all the way until August 2003 with a job loss
recovery and a total cumulative loss of jobs of over 5 million from the peak.
In this cycle job losses have been so far “only” slightly over 1 million while
labor market conditions are severely worsening based on all forward looking
indicators such as initial and continuing claims for unemployment benefits.
Massive job losses and concerns about job losses will further dampen current
and expected income and further contract consumption.
· Tax rebates of over $100 billion failed to stimulate real consumption
earlier in 2008. Only 25% of the tax rebate was spent as US consumers
are worried about jobs and need to use funds to pay their credit card and
mortgage. The tax rebate was supposed to boost consumption all the way through
September 2008: in reality real retail sales and real personal spending rose
only in April and May while starting in June and all the way in July, August,
September, October and now into the holiday season real retail spending and real
personal spending are down month after month. Thus, another general tax rebate
would be as ineffective as the first one in boosting consumption.
· The 1990-91 and 2001 recessions were not global; this time around the IMF
is forecasting a global recession for 2009.
· The recent rise in inflation – that is only now slowing down – reduced
real incomes even further for lower income households who spend more than the
average households on gas, transportation, energy and food. The recent sharp
fall in gasoline and energy prices will increase real incomes by a modest
amount (about $150 billion) but the losses of real disposable income and thus
falling consumption from other sources (wealth, income, debt servicing ratios)
are much larger and more significant.
· The trade weighted fall in the value of the U.S. dollar since 2002 has
worsened the terms of trade of the US and reduced further real
disposable income and the purchasing power of US consumers over foreign goods.
· With consumption being over 71% of GDP a sharp and persistent contraction
of consumption all the way through at least Q4 of 2009 implies a more severe
recession than otherwise. Consumption did not fall even a single quarter in the
2001 recession and one has to go back to 1990-91 to see a single quarter of
negative consumption growth. But the worsening balance sheet of US consumers in
1990-91 (debt ratios, debt servicing ratios, employment contraction, wealth
effects of housing and stock markets) was much less severe than the current
· Monetary easing will not stimulate durable consumption and demand for
residential housing as demand for such capital goods becomes interest rate
insensitive when there is a glut of capital goods; monetary policy becomes like
pushing on a string. In the previous recession the Fed cut the Fed Funds rate
from 6.5% to 1% and long rates fell by 200bps. In spite of that capex spending
of the corporate sector fell by 4% of GDP between 2000 and 2004 as there was a
glut of tech capital goods and it took years to work out such a glut. Today
there is a glut of housing, consumer durables and autos/motor vehicles; so it
will take years to work out this glut and monetary policy is becoming
ineffective to resolve that glut.
· While policy rates are sharply falling the nominal and real rates faced by
households are rising rather than falling: rising mortgage rates (and event
near lack of any mortgage financing at even higher rates for sub-prime and
jumbo loans), rising rates on credit cards, auto loans and student loans together
with less availability of credit are severely dampening the ability of
households to borrow and spend.
· To bring back the household savings rate to the level of a decade ago
(about 6% of GDP) consumption will have to fall – relative to current GDP levels
– by almost a trillion dollar. If all of this adjustment were to occur in 12
months GDP would contract directly by 7% and indirectly (including the further
collapse of residential and corporate capex spending in a severe recession) by
10%, an exemplification of the Keynesian “paradox of thrift”. If such an
adjustment were to occur over 24 months rather than 12 months you would still
have negative GDP growth of 5% for two years in a row with a cumulative fall in
GDP from its peak of 10% (note that in the worst US recession since WWII such
cumulative fall in GDP was only 3.7% in 1957-58). One can thus only hope that
this adjustment of consumption and savings rates occurs only slowly over time –
four years rather than two. Even in that scenario the cumulative fall of GDP
could be of the order of 4-5%, i.e. the worst US recession since WWII. Note that
the cumulative fall in GDP in the 2001 recession was only 0.4% and in the
1990-9 recession was only 1.3%. So, the current recession may end up being
three times as long and at least three times as deep (in terms of output
contraction) than the last two and worse than any other post WWII recession.