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[灵里争战] 救赎是什么? What is the Salvation?

发表于 2012-1-31 09:36 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


---Paul Washer

“At this moment, God command all men to repent and belive,that today is the day of Salvation that you are to flee from the wrath,  to flee from the law of Moses to comdemns you into the city of rufuge who is  Jesus Christ our lord. Run to him!
Repentance is simply giving up, stop to fight against Jesus Christ, and stop attempting to gain your own salvation through your own  works, to literally give up and fall upon  Christ--that is Salvation.

So that you say "Nothing in my hands I bring ,simply to the cross that I cling." When that the seed grows in you, to the point where you know that you standing before God is 100 absolutly percent based and founded upon the perfect work and merit of Jesus Christ,then you stand before him with confidence, knowing all your sins have been atoned for,and you are righteous in Christ.

Come to him ,come to Christ.”


“此时此刻, 神命令所有的人都要悔改, 并且相信今天就是救赎的日子, 那个你逃离神的忿怒, 逃离摩西律法的追讨,奔向逃城,奔向耶稣基督的日子. 奔向他!
悔改就是简单的放下(自己),停止与耶稣基督的争战,停下通过你自己的善工来获得悔改的企图, 词义上说:放下自己,归向基督.--这就是救赎.

所以你说:"我两手空空,一无所有,只是简单地来到十字架上拥抱他, 当种子在你里面长到一个地步--当你站在神面前,知道基督已经绝对地,百分之一百地成就了他的善工,你也与他完成了联合,这样你就知道罪已经完全被清洗了,你也就充满自信地站在了神面前--在基督里,你成了义人.

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