发表于 2011-8-28 08:18 PM
curiosity2009 发表于 2011-8-28 15:37 
Ivy league emphasizes leadership capability, which could be verified through a well-designed interview procedure.
Hence, interview by Ivy League is important.
It’s well-known, Chinese kids are good for academic exams. In contrast, American are good for presentation and debate.
Also, culture difference between Chinese and American make the difference in the interview or judgement.
I saw too many cases within my friends around. These high school students (Chinese) are absolutely outstanding in academic exams (typically SAT 2350 ~2400, GPA 4.67…) but they failed when they made the dash into the Ivy League. Some of them later had to choose universities at California (Stanford, USC, Caltech…), where Chinese face are popular and accepted easily or other colleges within States.
1. Some of them (high school students, Chinese) not good at Ivy interview at all. One boy (Chinese) tried to apply the Harvard medical school. His exam scores are really good. But his parents work very hard on their jobs. No time to give him any, even simply interview training. When you talk to him, he doesn’t know where his hands should be. No need to say, his Ivy interview failed and he later entered EE of another university, where he was over-qualified, in my viewpoint.
2. Some of them have realized the importance of Ivy interview. But, as mentioned, culture difference, at some level, is like a barrier to screen them out. An engineer couple working at Intel. Their boy got Ivy interview. Later he received admittance from all (MIT, Yale,…) except Harvard, which was his first preference. He joined Yale later with a pity. I talked to the parents. The story of the Harvard interview was a little long. But simply say, even boys (both Chinese and American) in suit, speaking English without any accent. However their greetings to interviewer, their gestures to interviewer are different. Chinese kid by their Chinese parents while American kid educated by their American parents. Tell me which boy is more easily accepted in a 30 ~ 60 min interview and your interviews are Harvard alumni, 100% Americans.
You can image, without interview, Harvard campus will be filled up with 100% Chinese faces. In reality, while the rate is much lower, about mere 10%. Academic abilities are only one factor when making consideration of Ivy admittance. Interview, sports, music, even volunteer services are counted on.
3. I watched several debates on campus. These high school students (Chinese) were sharp and delicate, with very fluent English. And working hard (tons of documents and materials). But they rarely won the top places (1st place, 1st team…). If you look at the Judgement group, you will tell. They are all American (even their volunteers are Americans. Chinese parents seldom take the time to work there. For example myself, I prefer to be a car-pool driver). I would think these kids know how to debate but they need to learn how to conquer the Judges. |