I bought TZA in ext PM yesterday and sold in ext AM this morning. But stupid Ameritrade didn't have the cash proceed from the trade even though my account shows 100% cash. I emailed them and I was told it will take three days to settle cash from this trade. They gave me some kind of bull sh*t saying that Federal Securities regulations require stock and bond purchases to settle within three business days. That means I won't have the cash until Friday. Never heard this before. Is this some kind of settlement failure? Thanks.
Oh, sh*t. I just checked my account. They disabled margin on my account. I just recently closed my IB account and transferred fund to this one which haven't been used for a while. I need to ask they why disabled margin. That's strange.
Silly me again. I have 2 Ameritrade accounts. One has margin the other doesn't. I thought I was trading the one with margin.