发表于 2009-6-4 06:20 PM
说老实话,股市到现在都疯了,谁还有理性?o8?漫天的媒体谎言?buy dip一定赚,垃圾股上天. 你敢重仓short short看.和疯狂的牛牛没话讲,buy dip是唯一道理.至于哪天会掉下来,谁care.
soulvirus 发表于 2009-6-4 19:12 
I know.
In 2000, it was much more 疯 than right now. At that time, you know a company did not worth that much, but it just went higher and higher. A company with 10M annual revenue can get 10B market cap right now as long as it claimed it's a B2B, Internet, networking, FiberOptical or any other buzz company.
The best way is DT.
If you hold overnight, you could get trapped the next day. |