Many reporters, politicians and analysts have stated the worst is over and there is no chance of a depression at this point in time…,however, here are a list of events that may be ahead of us…
While I do not envision an “Armageddon”, I do envision a long, extended and deep recession…
- The downgrade of the credit rating of the United States and/or a member of the European Union.
Link to Bill Gross's statement on the United States Credit Rating
- A financial crisis in the commercial mortgage and real estate market.
Bloomberg Article on Commercial Mortgage Market
- A lack of demand in buying US Debt.
Bloomberg article on bond market
- Rising out of control unemployment
Forbes article on unemployment
- The rising instability in certain countries in key geographic areas such as Pakistan…
- A large US state, such as California, completely running out of money and insolvent…
New York Times article on California
- The bankruptcies of very large companies having a deeper effect then anticipated…
Businessweek article on the effects of a General Motors bankruptcy
- Rising energy prices to go with unemployment…