Repaying of debts only reduces the capital basis, not the earning.
banker 发表于 2009-4-15 23:27
I always welcome constructive discussions. However, reading comments like this does remind me, there are people out there that enjoy bashing others to make themselves feel good.
Dear Mr. Banker,
First of all, thank you for bashing me.
I do like to point out that, what I wrote down on my post was, "so called investment debt". I am not referring to the debt on the balance sheet. WFC does have about around 49B short term debt that will matured this year。Those, they can work around and will not affect the earning. I don't even want to bring it up.
What I am referring to here is, WFC's potential loss from their investment porfolio this year, which will affect their earnings. When I wrote this post, “欠的总要还的",was on my mind。 That was why I used that wording, "so called investment debt". It could be misleading,but it does reflect my mindset of, this bunch of crooks owe us a lot of debt that they eventually needs to pay back. Bear in mind, this is not an accounting report, otherwise, I would use more strict accounting terminology. If you have QQH me, I would have been patiently responded to your questions as I did to couple of other folks who have questions. I guess it makes you happier to bash me openly. The end result is, I need to waste sometime to respond to you in public in HT.
By the way, I did study MBA. I hope that would give you more power to insult me. But before you bash me next time, you better find out what's in my mind first before you do that.
Thanks for the analysis and support! Some people lack the basic courtesy and manner. They always come out firing when they see something they disagree with.