Very nice. Thanks a lot. Below 800, I am a buyer too. No plan to short very heavy except this market goes to extrem, such as above 950 in next 2 or 3 weeks.
Hey, Watchman LaoDa, Market reaches a new point now. All tiny frogs like me in the HT are really appreciated if you can come out and share your insightful thoughts at this time. Your insightful comments posted before helped us a lot! We need your guidance! ( 出山ba).....
a) 6/1/2009是一个重要的时间周期, 对短期市场影响比较大. 结合spy的高位整理形态,
大盘可能有暴力事件发生. (已经发生)
b) 6/8/2009是几个大银行银行融资的日子. 结合xlf的高位三角型整理, 金融股在之前的一
c) 密切关注6月的三重魔力日. MM通常会提前1-2周作价.