Chart A: Daily Volume trending on the SPY
Some of the Institutional investors were concerned about the dropping volume ...
Cobra 发表于 2009-8-28 08:55
I don't think you need to follow that chart that closely on any day to day changes. The main point of that chart is to give you a general picture. There is no edge to use any one day or even a few days change in sell/buy to guide your day trading or short term trading. Even if they adjusts the charts a little bit one or two days later, it does not affect the big picture it presents. So take it easy. To be honest, I think that chart can be updated every week instead of every day because trend is not formed in a few days.
I don't think you need to follow that chart that closely on any day to day changes. The main point of that chart is to give you a general picture. There is no edge to use any one day or even a few d ...
Kami 发表于 2009-8-28 11:27
That's very true. It's more for a big picture, not to be used to pinpoint entry and exit.