发表于 2009-6-1 10:40 AM
灌水一下,如果买了gm的put,gm 破产,那这个put 怎么算呢?
vivian 发表于 2009-6-1 11:31 
If you own put options on stocks of a company that has just declared or filed for bankruptcy, you are in for a huge reward. The delivery and settlement of every stock option is guaranteed by the OCC, Options Clearing Corporation, in the US Market. Whoever sold you that right to sell shares of that company at that higher price is obliged to fulfill that obligation, so your profit is guaranteed. The only question is, what happens when that company files for bankruptcy and trading in its stocks and options are suspended? When that happens, trading of that company's stocks and options moves to the Over The Counter (OTC) market or what is known as "Pink Sheet" market where you are able to either sell those put options for a profit or exercise the options and sell the stocks for the same profit. Since it is the company that is going illquid and insolvent and not the person or institution who sold you those put options, you are guaranteed your profit and delivery.
The most recent example of this are put options on the collasped Lehman Brothers (ex-Ticker : LEH) which filed for bankruptcy on 14 Sep 2008. After filing for bankruptcy, Lehman Brothers' shares moved from the exchange to the OTC market (Ticker Symbol LEHMQ or LEHMQ.PK) where it traded at $0.05 per share on 18 Sep 2008. That is when put option holders can choose to exercise the put options by buying the shares at $0.05 and selling it at the strike price for a big profit. |