not right time to short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have skill compared to cobra, qqq, sweettomoto, balto, ppteam, goldbullsilverbear, etc, dunnt short... wait for the drop is completed and then step in buy dip.
not right time to short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have skill compared to cobra, qqq, sweettomoto, balto, ppteam, goldbullsilverbear, etc, dunnt short... wait for the dr ...
天真的冷酷 发表于 2009-5-26 10:46
not right time to short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have skill compared to cobra, qqq, sweettomoto, balto, ppteam, goldbullsilverbear, etc, dunnt short... wait for the dr ...
天真的冷酷 发表于 2009-5-26 10:46
followed this call this time. I believe female always have nature sense than male. 跟着走了
not right time to short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't have skill compared to cobra, qqq, sweettomoto, balto, ppteam, goldbullsilverbear, etc, dunnt short... wait for the dr ...
天真的冷酷 发表于 2009-5-26 10:46
This index is an average of responses to the following questions: 1. Respondents appraisal of current business conditions. 2. Respondents expectations regarding business conditions six months hence. 3. Respondents appraisal of the current employment conditions. 4. Respondents expectations regarding employment conditions six months hence. 5. Respondents expectations regarding their total family income six months hence. For each of the 5 questions, there are three response options: Postive, Negative and Neutral. The response proportions to each question are seasonally adjusted. For each of the five question (above), the POSITIVE figure is divided by the sum of the POSITIVE and NEGATIVE to yield a proportion, which we call the 'RELATIVE' value. For each question, the average RELATIVE for the calendar year 1985 is then used as a benchmark to yield the INDEX value for that question. From 1967 to mid 1977 the CCI was bi-monthly.