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[灌水] 每日灌水--道听途说

 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 07:15 AM | 显示全部楼层





《巴伦周刊》在2009年初的一篇封面文章中曾表示,美国国债已经见顶,而债券市场中的其它品种则已触底。并非只有我们认识到了去年底这种明显的变化。巴菲特(Warren Buffett)曾提到,他的伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)在2008年末赔钱抛出了美国国债。巴菲特在2月份致股东的年度公开信中写道,当书写这十年的金融史时,2008年底美国国债泡沫将同本世纪初至2005年前后的房地产泡沫一起赫然在列。而国债市场现在的情形如何?出于几个原因美国国债看来仍没什么吸引力。以历史标准来衡量国债收益率非常之低,为弥补创纪录的财政赤字,美国政府正在大量发行国债,而联邦政府经济刺激计划的巨额支出最终有可能大幅推高通货膨胀率。

Pimco的执行副总裁罗德斯基(Steve Rodosky)说,其他高质量债券的投资价值更大。Pimco经营着美国规模最大的债券基金Pimco Total Return。该基金今年的投资回报率继续领先于同侪,今年迄今为止是4.8%。Pimco的首席投资长埃尔-埃连(Mohamed El-Erian)去年底时曾直言不讳地说,把国债脱手,它们太贵了。

虽然国债持有人最终都能把本金收回来,但国债价格在它们到期之前却有可能大幅下降,投资者作为本息拿回来的美元可能已经大幅贬值。国债收益率未来一年中有可能继续上涨,这意味着随着美国经济开始走强国债价格将会下跌。30年期国债的收益率有可能突破5%,10年期国债的收益率有可能从目前的3.15%升至 4%以上。


但即使是最近连涨几个月后,企业债券市场看上去仍然具有吸引力。美林(Merrill Lynch)高收益率指数所涵盖各垃圾债券的平均收益率已经从去年底的19.5%回落至15%,依然不低,而那些有着BBB这一较高评级的企业债券则有着 8%左右的收益率,足足比长期国债收益率高出四个百分点。




如果美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)能成功将最高一档个人所得税率由目前的35%提高到39.6%,市政债券市场将从中受益,因为税率上调会提高免税利息收入的吸引力。但美国许多州和地方政府的财政状况都一团糟,加州的情况尤其如此,这既是因为经济状况疲弱,也是因为政治家们不愿着手解决政府雇员退休金和医疗成本不断膨胀的问题。

而按揭贷款支持证券领域的两个市场也是冰火两重天。政府国民抵押协会(Ginnie Maes)发行的政府担保证券和房地美(Freddie Mac )及房利美(Fannie Mae)发行的准政府担保证券对投资者没有太大吸引力。这些证券的收益率仅为4%。这意味着Vanguard GNMA等大型基金的投资回报率可能令人失望。这只基金的收益率目前为4.3%。

而另一类风险较高但也更具吸引力的按揭贷款支持证券则是所谓的非机构住宅和商业按揭贷款证券。这些证券的收益率仍在10%以上。在非机构按揭贷款市场有风险敞口的基金包括TCW Total Return,它目前的收益率为10%。
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 07:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
Greenspan Says Banks Still Have a ‘Large’ Capital Requirement

May 21 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan signaled that the financial crisis has yet to end even as borrowing costs tumble, warning that U.S. banks must raise “large” amounts of money.

“There is still a very large unfunded capital requirement in the commercial banking system in the United States and that’s got to be funded,” Greenspan said in an interview yesterday in Washington. He also said that “until the price of homes flattens out we still have a very serious potential mortgage crisis.”

Greenspan’s comments suggest he sees a bigger capital shortfall in the banking system than reflected in regulators’ stress tests on the 19 biggest U.S. lenders. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told lawmakers yesterday that banks have issued more than $56 billion in new stock or debt since the tests found 10 firms needed to raise about $75 billion.

A lack of capital at banks may inhibit lending to consumers and businesses, tempering any economic recovery. The former Fed chief, who left the central bank in 2006, said that the continued slump in home prices is putting at risk millions of borrowers.

“We’re on the edge and if this thing doesn’t get resolved quickly I’m worried,” he said before a meeting with House of Representatives members on financial regulation that was organized by the Washington-based Bipartisan Policy Center.

Home prices will only start to stabilize once the “liquidation” rate of single-family homes has peaked, he said. “I don’t think we’re there yet.”

‘Remarkable’ Improvement

More broadly, “things have unquestionably improved” across the economy and financial markets, he said. “They’ve improved everywhere in the world. It’s remarkable.”

The London interbank offered rate, or Libor, for three- month dollar loans fell 3 basis points yesterday to 0.75 percent, the British Bankers’ Association said, the 35th straight drop. The Libor-OIS spread, a gauge of banks’ reluctance to lend, narrowed to 55 basis points, the least since February 2008. It was as high as 364 basis points in October.

That’s an “extraordinary improvement,” said Greenspan, who last year said that the credit crisis would be at an end once the Libor-OIS spread narrowed past 25 basis points. “Virtually all of the various credit spreads not only in the U.S. but globally have come down.”

Alan Blinder, a former Fed vice chairman, also said on Capitol Hill that “if there are no more reversals, history will judge that by May 2009 we will have passed the worst of the crisis.”

GDP Call

“My current guess would be in terms of GDP the second quarter will be a bottom and by the third quarter we’re eking out a positive,” Blinder said.

Greenspan agreed, estimating that U.S. gross domestic product will decline at an annual rate of 1 percent in the second quarter.

Members of the Fed’s Open Market Committee who met in Washington April 28-29 saw “some signs pointing toward economic stabilization,” and some officials detected prospects for “a trough” in the housing market’s downturn, according to minutes of the meeting released yesterday in Washington.

Fed governors and district-bank presidents project that the economy will shrink 1.3 percent to 2 percent this year and grow 2 percent to 3 percent in 2010, according to median estimates released yesterday.

Greenspan separately said he opposed the creation of a “systemic risk regulator,” a concept that has been backed by the Obama administration and Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. The agency would be given an impossible task of trying to foresee crises, he said.

“If you put the power into the hands of people, very smart people, but if you ask them to do more than is possible I think they will create problems for the system,” said Greenspan, who said in congressional testimony in October that “a flaw” in his free-market ideology contributed to the “once-in-a- century” credit crisis.

The former Fed chairman also reiterated his view that the central bank’s emergency lending should be done instead through the Treasury.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 07:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
631K new jobless claims, total benefit rolls 6.7M
New jobless claims drop to 631,000, while continuing claims rise to nearly 6.7 million

    * On Thursday May 21, 2009, 8:38 am EDT

      Buzz up!
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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government says the number of newly-laid off workers requesting unemployment insurance dropped last week after spiking the previous week due to auto layoffs.

The Labor Department says initial claims for jobless benefits fell to a seasonally adjusted 631,000, from a revised figure of 643,000 the prior week. That nearly matches analysts' expectations of 630,000.

Claims jumped two weeks ago as Chrysler LLC shut its factories after filing for bankruptcy protection April 30. Wall Street economists expect factory shutdowns by Chrysler and General Motors Corp. will inflate the initial claims numbers through June.

Continuing claims, rose to nearly 6.7 million, the highest total on records dating to 1967 and a 16th straight record.
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发表于 2009-5-21 08:23 AM | 显示全部楼层
thanks fpr sharing.
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发表于 2009-5-21 09:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
看bloomberg 好像很多投资者对jobless claim这个数据都看得不是很重
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
Chrysler Says Dealers Face Elimination if Sale Isn't Approved

A Chrysler LLC executive said Thursday if the company's sale of most of its operations to Fiat SpA isn't approved by bankruptcy court, all 3,181 of its remaining dealers will face elimination.

Chrysler has already notified 789 dealers that it plans to drop them from its retail network next month as part of its restructuring in bankruptcy court. Some of the dealers have been gearing up to challenge the move in court, although it's unclear how much chance of success they have.

Steven J. Landry, Chrysler's executive vice president for North American marketing said, "The auto industry cannot support the number of dealers in the marketplace." He noted that from 1990 to 2007, the industry sold about 16 million new vehicles annually, which compares with the nearly 10.5 million expected this year.

Mr. Landry said the company's dealers didn't make a profit last year, posting an average loss of $3,184.

As for concerns that numerous dealerships are going under as part of Chrysler's restructuring, Mr. Landry noted that 44% of 789 being shed sell vehicle from competing auto makers and 83% sell more used than new vehicles.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
Treasurys Rise as Unease Returns

NEW YORK -- Treasury prices rose Thursday as stocks slipped after Standard & Poor's lowered the credit rating outlook on the U.K. and ahead of the last Fed Treasury buying operation of the week.

The move though was tempered by supply concerns as investors girded themselves for the Treasurys announcement Thursday as to the amounts of two-, five-, and seven-year Treasury notes it will sell next week.

The 10-year note was up 12/32 at 99 23/32 to 3.16%. The 30-year was up 26/32 to 102 11/32 at 4.11%. Bond yields move inversely to prices. The five-year was up 5/32 at 99 12/32 to 2.01%, while the two-year was up 1/32 to 100 3/32 to 0.83%.

"We're still looking at the same tug of war between supply and the (Treasury buying) right now," said Rick Klingman, head of Treasurys trade at BNP Paribas.

The bond market has enjoyed a brief break from supply, with the last Treasury note auctions held in early May. Sales next week will kick off Tuesday.

In recent trade, the 10-year note was 12/32 higher to yield 3.16%. Bond prices move inversely to yields. The 30-year was up 26/32 to yield 4.11%, and the two-year Treasury was 1/32 higher to a 0.83% yield.

Thursday marks the last full trading day ahead of the Memorial Day holiday. Markets will close early Friday for the holiday and will be shuttered Monday.

Early Thursday, U.S. stock futures slipped after S&P, in a surprise move, lowered the U.K.'s outlook to negative from stable citing the possibility that government debt could equal the country's output. S&P affirmed the U.K.'s credit rating at AAA though.

For Treasurys, outlook downgrades have typically resulted in a flight to quality bid, with the bond market gaining as fears rise. In this case though, concerns about the U.K.'s debt trickled over to the U.S. "We don't exactly have the best fiscal picture either," Mr. Klingman said. "This raises some worries of, is this the same place we'll end up in."

Meantime Thursday, market participants are awaiting the Fed's last Treasury purchase operation of the week. The Fed Thursday will buy Treasurys maturing in four to seven years, those between Sept. 30, 2013 and Feb. 15, 2016. The Fed has bought Treasurys three times before in that part of the curve: $7.5 billion April 2, $7.3 billion April 14, and $7.0 billion April 27.

Analysts at Wrightson ICAP expect the Fed will buy about the same amount Thursday. The Fed has now bought a total of around $115 billion in Treasurys since March, a little more than a third of the total amount it's pledged to buy up to by September.

The latest Fed Treasury buying operation follows word Wednesday in the latest Fed meeting minutes that some Federal Open Market Committee members were mulling a possible expansion of the Fed's securities purchase programs. That gave Treasurys a boost Wednesday afternoon.

Early data Thursday showed the number of workers filing new jobless claims in the latest week fell by more than expected, 12,000 to 631,000 in the May 16 week versus economists expectations for a 7,000 drop.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 10:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
Geithner says must let market forces work

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Thursday said that a bailout for banks was steadying the financial system but care must be taken to ensure that normal market forces are allowed to operate.

"While TARP (the Troubled Asset Relief Program) is proving effective at improving the immediate stability of the financial system, the scope of the issues this administration and this department face ... include striking the delicate balance between intervention and allowing market participants latitude to operate," he said in prepared remarks for delivery to a U.S. House of Representatives appropriations subcommittee.

Geithner laid out a tough agenda for Treasury, including devising a new and more effective regulatory structure and deciding what form government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac should assume in the future.

He said that, once economic recovery is under way, the government will have to move swiftly to ratchet down deficits that are swelling as the government pumps hundreds of billions of dollars of capital into banks.

"We must get our fiscal house in order or risk having government borrowing crowd out productive private investment," Geithner said.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 10:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
US swine flu deaths hit double-digits

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Swine flu forced Christina Huitron to make a choice no mother should ever have to make.

On Wednesday she told doctors to take her 21-year-old son off life support, making Marcos Sanchez the nation's 10th fatality associated with the newly discovered virus that continues to spread across the globe.

"I knew he was suffering," Christina Huitron told KSL-TV. "I don't know how he was feeling, but I just knew I had to do it because he was passing away slowly anyways, and I didn't want him to suffer anymore."

Sanchez checked into a suburban hospital Saturday, vomiting blood and burning with fever, Huitron told The Salt Lake Tribune. By Tuesday he was suffering from multiple organ failure.

Dr. David Sundwall, executive director of the Utah Department of Health, said Marcos, the state's first swine flu fatality, was overweight and had chronic medical conditions, including respiratory problems, that put him at risk.

"This is not a person who was overall genuinely healthy," Sundwall said.

Sanchez had not traveled recently. Dagmar Vitek, medical director for the Salt Lake Valley Health Department, said an investigation to determine how he contracted the virus was under way. Utah has 122 confirmed cases of the virus.

In neighboring Arizona, health officials said Wednesday a 13-year-old boy from Tucson also has died with swine flu. The teenager died Friday of complications from the flu. He had been hospitalized May 10.

Arizona Department of Health Services spokeswoman Patti Woodcock said an older sibling of the teen is hospitalized with the virus, while other family members have recovered.

Swine flu has sickened more than 11,000 people in 41 countries and killed 85, according to the World Health Organization, whose figures often trail those of individual countries. Mexico has reported 75 deaths, the U.S. 10, and one in both Canada and Costa Rica.

In New York City, officials, colleagues, friends and family gathered Wednesday at a funeral home to remember Mitchell Wiener, an 55-year-old assistant principal who died of swine flu Sunday.

"Whenever I needed help, I used to always go to him," student Jeffery Grey told reporters outside the funeral home. "I really don't know who to go to now when I need help."

Two more New York City public schools closed because of swine flu, bringing the number of city public and private schools shuttered within the last week to 23. One school closed Thursday across the Hudson River in Fort Lee, N.J., another closed in Reno, Nev., and four schools closed in Lodi, Wis., after students were sickened.

Judy Davis, a spokeswoman for the Washoe County District Health Department in Nevada, said state, county and school officials agreed that closing Mendive Middle School in Sparks was "best course of action" to prevent further spread of the flu after five students were sickened and one was hospitalized.

But experts said closing schools once students were already ill would do little to halt the virus' seemingly inexorable spread.

"As a disease containment measure, it is not likely to be effective," said Dr. Paul Biddinger, associate director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at the Harvard School of Public Health.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 10:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
Philly Fed shows factory sector still struggling
Highest reading since September, but far from recovery

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Business worsened for the eighth straight month in May for manufacturers in the Philadelphia region, but the decline was slower than at any time since September, the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank reported Thursday.

The Philly Fed index rose to negative 22.6 from negative 24.4 in April, the highest since it broke up to positive 1.9 in September just before the global financial panic.

Economists surveyed by MarketWatch expected a bigger improvement in May, to about negative 15.

Any reading under zero indicates more companies say business is getting worse than say it's improving. The index has been below zero for 17 of the past 18 months.

"The survey does suggest that the rebound from the post-Lehman shock is not yet morphing into a sustained recovery story," wrote Ian Shepherdson, chief domestic economist for High Frequency Economics.

With most of the components of the Philly Fed index in the negative 20s, the index shows many firms are still experiencing declining sales and production after months of recession. In May, about half the firms reported no change in business activity, while about a third said business got worse. The remaining sixth said business improved.

Other data from the Federal Reserve through April have reported the largest drop in industrial output of any recession since the end of World War II, with little hope for a near-term turnaround, given the woes in the auto industry and the recession raging in foreign economies.

The details of the May Philly Fed report were mixed.

The new orders index worsened to negative 25.9 from negative 24.3. The shipments index improved to negative 19 from negative 35.7. The inventory index improved to negative 28.6 from negative 40.2.

About 45% of the firms expect demand at their firm to increase in six months or more, compared with 17% that expect higher demand in three months or less.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 01:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
GM, UAW reach deal with U.S. gov't on restructuring

GM/UAW (UPDATE 3):UPDATE 3-GM, UAW reach deal with U.S. gov't on restructuring

* GM, UAW reach agreement with U.S. Treasury

* Details being withheld, ratification votes scheduled
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* GM shares rise 11 pct; bonds tick higher

(Recasts first sentence, adds background on GM bond exchange, details on final stage of talks; updates stock price, adds bond price)

By Kevin Krolicki and David Bailey

DETROIT (Reuters) - General Motors Corp ( GM - news - people ) and the United Auto Workers cleared a key obstacle in GM's restructuring plan by agreeing to cut its labor costs and changing the terms of $20 billion in debt for retiree healthcare.

The UAW deal would give the embattled automaker a blueprint for concessions that could be carried into a bankruptcy filing expected at the end of this month, analysts said.

The tentative agreement, which was reached Thursday after a round of intensive talks involving representatives of the U.S. Treasury, will now go to a ratification vote by GM's roughly 54,000 UAW-represented U.S. factory workers.
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发表于 2009-5-21 02:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 02:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
China Grows More Picky About Debt

HONG KONG — Leaders in both Washington and Beijing have been fretting openly about the mutual dependence — some would say codependence — created by China’s vast holdings of United States bonds. But beyond the talk, the relationship is already changing with surprising speed.
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China’s Changing Role

China is growing more picky about which American debt it is willing to finance, and is changing laws to make it easier for Chinese companies to invest abroad the billions of dollars they take in each year by exporting to America. For its part, the United States is becoming relatively less dependent on Chinese financing.

China has actually bought Treasury bonds at an accelerating pace over the last year — notwithstanding Chinese officials’ complaints about American profligacy. But the borrowing needs of the United States government have grown even faster. So China represents a rapidly shrinking share of overall purchases of Treasury securities. “China’s demand for Treasuries has increased over the past year, but it hasn’t increased at anything like the pace of the Treasury’s sale of new Treasury bonds,” said Brad W. Setser, a specialist in Chinese financial flows at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Americans and investors elsewhere are buying Treasuries instead. They are saving more and have been shifting out of other investments — including equities until the past two months — and into Treasuries.

China bought less than a sixth of the Treasuries issued in the 12 months through March. Less than two years ago, by contrast, Chinese purchases of Treasuries, which included purchases in the secondary market as well as newly issued securities, briefly exceeded the entire borrowing needs of the United States.

Financial statistics released by both countries in recent days show that China paradoxically stepped up its lending to the American government over the winter even as it virtually stopped putting fresh money into dollars.

This combination is possible because China has been exchanging one dollar-denominated asset for another — selling the debt of government-sponsored enterprises like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a hurry to buy Treasuries. While this has been clear for months, new data shows that China is also trading long-term Treasuries for short-term notes, highlighting Beijing’s concerns that inflation will erode the dollar’s value in the long run as America amasses record debt.

So China’s rising purchases of Treasuries do not represent the confident bet on America’s future that they might seem to be on the surface. For instance, China does not appear to be dumping euros or yen to buy Treasuries, economists said.

That said, recent Chinese and American data suggest that an astounding 82 percent of China’s $2 trillion in foreign reserves is in dollars, according to calculations by Standard Chartered.

The development has caught the attention of the leaders of both countries.

“The long-term deficit and debt that we have accumulated is unsustainable — we can’t keep on just borrowing from China,” President Obama said last Thursday.

Wen Jiabao, prime minister of China, also has expressed concern.

“We have lent a huge amount of money to the U.S. Of course we are concerned about the safety of our assets. To be honest, I am definitely a little worried,” Mr. Wen said earlier this year.

China now earns more than $50 billion a year in interest from the United States, Mr. Setser at the Council on Foreign Relations calculated.

China’s leaders were able to buy more Treasuries in recent months without buying more dollars because they have abruptly turned their back on the market for securities issued by government-sponsored enterprises.

China was the world’s biggest buyer of these securities a year ago, splashing out more than $10 billion a month.

But in the 12 months through March, it actually had net sales of $7 billion, and ramped up purchases of Treasuries instead.

China has also changed which Treasuries it buys. It has done so in ways calculated to reduce its exposure to inflation or other problems in the United States. As recently as a year ago, China actively bought long-dated bonds, seeking the extra yield they could bring compared to Treasury securities with short maturities, of which China bought virtually none.

But in each month since November, China has been buying more Treasury bills, with a maturity of a year or less, than Treasuries with longer maturities. This gives China the option of cashing out its positions in a hurry, by not rolling over its investments into new Treasury bills as they come due should inflation in the United States start rising and make Treasury securities less attractive.

The big question now for policy makers and economists alike lies in whether the Chinese government’s purchases of American securities will rise or fall in the coming months.

Two big forces are at work — but they are pushing Chinese investments in opposite directions and might cancel each other out.

The first big shift is that Chinese foreign exchange reserves might start growing again, after shrinking early this year.

A senior Chinese economic policy maker, Xu Lin, expressed concern here on Monday that the reserves might grow faster if speculators started pushing more foreign exchange into China in the months ahead.

China is strongly opposed to any significant appreciation or depreciation of its currency, Mr. Xu said at a press conference. But if international investors conclude that the Chinese economy has stabilized ahead of economies elsewhere, they may start pumping more money into the Chinese economy, he said.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-21 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
To keep its currency at the same level, the Chinese government buys foreign currency flowing into the country in excess of China’s needs. If overseas demand for Chinese exports recovers, then China’s trade surplus could start widening again as well. This would also tend to fatten Chinese reserves.
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China’s Changing Role

But the countervailing trend is that the Chinese government is trying to foster channels for foreign currency to be pumped out of the country without the involvement of the central bank. The government has been buying a wider range of assets and encouraging the private sector to invest more money overseas.

“That’s part of a strategic move by the authorities to diversify,” said Wensheng Peng, the head of China research at Barclays Capital. “The reserves growth should accelerate because of inflows, but it will not be as large as what we observed in 2007 and the first half of 2008.”

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange, which is part of the central bank, issued draft regulations on Monday that would make it considerably easier for private companies to raise dollars in China to spend on overseas investments — a step that would lessen the need for the Chinese government to buy up those dollars.

This spring China has also been stepping up its purchases of commodities, which are usually bought in dollars. Iron ore has been piling up on Chinese docks, government stockpiles of crude oil and grain are being expanded and stockpiles are being started for products like gasoline, diesel and sugar.

After six years of silence, China unexpectedly disclosed last month that it had been gradually buying gold from domestic producers. The country’s reserves had climbed from 600 tons in 2003 to 1,054 tons, worth $31.8 billion at prices late Wednesday.

The disclosure, which produced a frisson of excitement in gold markets, may have been aimed at reassuring a domestic audience that the Chinese government was not putting all the nation’s savings into American dollars. But the actual investment was tiny compared with China’s foreign exchange reserves — and showed that China was accumulating gold at a much slower rate than foreign currency.

A person in periodic contact with China’s central bank, who insisted on anonymity to preserve his access, said that a Chinese central banker complained to him last year that “we have so much money and there’s so little gold, we can’t buy much without driving up the price.”
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:02 AM | 显示全部楼层

时间:2009-05-21 13:00:45 | 作者:Winson | 来源:The News Angle


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

时间:2009-05-21 13:08:00 | 作者:MoIFX | 来源:MoIFX

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:04 AM | 显示全部楼层

时间:2009-05-21 22:35:00 | 作者:曹解 | 来源:The News Angle

美联储(简称Fed) 4月份会议纪要显示,部分Fed官员对提高抵押贷款担保证券及国债购买规模持开放态度。
















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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
Standard Bank金属市场评论

时间:2009-05-21 23:46:00 | 作者:Standard Bank | 来源:Standard Bank

基本金属市场普遍遭到较强的抛售压力,以铜为首,LME盘初跌破4500美元。市场研究机构Markit Economics21日发布的数据显示,欧元区5月经济收缩进一步缓和,因制造业和服务业活动下降出现缓和。欧元区5月综合采购经理人指数由4月的 41.1增至8个月来高点43.9,市场预期中值为42。指数值高于50.0表明部门扩张,而指数值低于50.0表明部门收缩。其中制造业采购经理人指数由36.8增至40.5,预期中值为38.3;服务业采购经理人指数由43.8增至44.7,预期中值为44.5。



铜库存减少5,400吨,总存量336,075吨。三个月期铜MCU3收报每吨4,469/4,470美元,周三收报4,640美元,今日盘中触及 4,425美元的低点. 国际铜业研究小组(ICSG)在最新的月度报告中指出,2月全球精炼铜产量为292.7万吨,而消费量从去年同期的297.1万吨降至284.1万吨。 ICSG指出,今年2月份全球铜市供应过剩86000吨,去年同期则为短缺61000吨。ICSG在报告中指出,今年前两个月,全球铜使用量较去年同期减少4.4%或130000吨,尽管中国显性使用量增长33%,但不及其他三大地区分别高达25%、44%和25%的需求削减幅度。ICSG最后指出,除中国以外,全球铜消费量减少18%。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:12 AM | 显示全部楼层

时间:2009-05-22 01:08:00 | 作者:Dailyfx | 来源:Dailyfx


美国时段重要数据和事件:加拿大经济俱乐部举办题为“当前经济危机兑养老金市场的冲击 ”的讨论。美国4月领先指标乐律0.1%、5月费城联储制造业指数-22.6.

亚市重要数据和事件: 日央行公布利率决议。日本3月经济领先指标修正值、同步指标修正值。










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 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-22 07:13 AM | 显示全部楼层

时间:2009-05-22 05:36:00 | 作者:The News Angle | 来源:The News Angle

日本央行(Bank of Japan)今日决定维持基准利率于0.1%不变,并近3年来首度调高经济评估,因迹象显示最坏情况可能已过。





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