“well, I'm glad, at least the market is about to close. the bottom line, I don't see a clear bottom sign yet, the selling is still in acceleration, so don't try to stop it, a lower close ahead is almost guaranteed. Thank you guys, I'll see you tomorrow.“
Today's NASDAQ volume was over 60% greater than its 50 day exponential moving average of volume. The last time it was better than 50% was on 5/6/10 the day of the flash-crash. Not quite capitualtion selling but it is close.
I was not believing the maket in April, but market keep going up, which makes my short positions got killed. Then I turn around go long and then now ...............................
How did you manage your short position when the market goes up?
yao da, I remember u say $TNX, $FNX, $TYX, 10y, 5y, 20y+ 美债. 美债.( is bond' yield , right). if yeild down, it mean bond goes up. so stock market going down. am I right? so TLT goes up. thanks