like reading your analysis. 有见解. 大实话. 我也被套,其实PRE-MKT就看到跳过TRENDLINE,心存侥幸,没有果断平仓,小LOSS变成大LOSS. 深刻检讨. 指望明早POST-MAD GAP PLAY能减少一点损失.
90ufo 发表于 2009-7-16 01:31
先说一下initial claim,无疑是好数字,但是too good to be true,analysts现在还处于stunned的状态,don't know what happened exactly,然后市场也没什么大反应。所以呢,如果下周的initial claim再好的话,大概股市会上冲。
The drop in continuing claims was so large that it was essentially hard to believe and has left pundits (including us) reaching to explain it. Seasonal adjustment factors have been cited by some.
The headline numbers were certainly much better than expected, but the muted response to them suggests the market wasn't on board with the idea that they paint a true picture of an improving employment landscape, certainly not from a hiring perspective. We're not on board with that idea either.
另外呢,战术空军部队紧急安装了一套名为“野狐缠”的新指挥系统,虽然还未完善,但是给出了sell signal。所以明天大约是个down day。
今天的er趋势似乎也支持这一点,IBM good er没能带动盘后指数上涨,goog跌了。明天要出er的ge也不见得很强,c和bac更是出了lower high。和前三天的er趋势相比,弱势明显。
回测的目标暂定为这次gap支持位918-920,大概在周一早上达到。牛牛在那里可以buy dip。