发表于 2009-5-31 09:18 PM
本帖最后由 seabiscuit 于 2009-5-31 22:19 编辑
22# hfdcai2000
Well, I can tell you that I shorted WFC and GS in the past, but I would not largh at him at all.
(1) In fact, everyone has his/her own investment spirit and time horizon. 众所周知,Mr. Buffet 是价值投资,他自己都承认他不在行catch the/a bottom, 也无意catch the or a bottom,价值投资就是需要 a long time horizon 来体现的。 而那些嘲笑他的人,大都都是hold stocks 不超过几个月的。 所谓道不同也,不相与谋。
(2) Even if he makes mistakes this time, I think I would still respect him as a great investor. 我的想法是,不要总盯着别人错的时候,因为任何人都有错的时候。没有人能在任何时候都对。 尊重别人过去的成就,但不盲目崇拜就可以了。
Just my opinion. 无意争论。 |