I agree those HHs charging fee are much much better than most of us, but it is kind of ironic to me to charging other fees based on some st advice:
It is very simple, if you are so good then why do not you just do one more day trade to gain this $$$$, instead wasting so much time on teaching others, do not tell me charging others' fee is purely for helping friends.
Well, everyone has the freedom to do anything on Internet.
Agree with you. Water, sunshine, air all are free. but water from tap is not free.
My concern is If Hutong does get some revenue, how can it survive?
" w="20" h="20" lw="50" X="163" Y="526">I respect you deeply (I know I am not important), but no everyone acts like you.
We should also encourage those experineced people to post in HT although they may persue their own interest as long as they follow the rules. We learn a lot from them (sometimes from their mistakes).