我相信60左右抄底CREE的不少。Stock market is always doing overeaction (either up too much or down too much). But this is how stock market can be used to make money for experts.
well, I guess i will keep my mouth shut then. I am not here to bash anything,
i work for one of maj ...
mindymore7588 发表于 2010-9-10 15:18
I think what you're saying is OK. You didn't do anything wrong. We need different opinions. Just a little bit misunderstandings here, should be OK eventually.
Pure speculation, the worst case for bears is that SPY continue to stay around 111-113 level for next week until OE and then bears may get chance. This is the worst case for bears.
Monday does not have any significant data release except treasury budget, so it should not be a big movement day and the upperline possibly can be touched or even broken.