When Price, Time and Cycles meet, they give a 90-95% chance of an important Change in Trend (CIT).
8/13-17/09 should be an important swing High. Here is why.
Price: There are 3 Price targets. The broken wedge TL Resistances (back-kiss) on 8/13 are at 1020 and 1028-32 SPX, the latter is also Fibonacci Resistance. Major Resistance at 1053.50-1055.50 SPX, which are 70.7% and 50% retraces.
Time: The next thing I look at are my proprietary CIT Timing points. I have found over the years that they are only a few timing methods that actually work precisely enough to be useful. Most of the daily CITs that I use are often exact to the day, although at times, they could be off by 1 Trading Day. There are 2 CIT Times, one is Thursday, 8/13 and a double "hit" on Monday 8/17. Furthermore, there is a reliable Astro-based CITs that are due on Friday 8/14: 8/14 is a Sun opposite Jupiter and the Midpoint of Jupiter Retrograde and Jupiter Direct.
Cycles: There is a long term fixed 8/16 week Cycle due this week and we have rallied into it. I have already discussed the proprietary Master Cycle (MC) that suggests we make a Major 8/13 High and 8/17 Highs of the Month. My conclusion can only be that we are making a Major High in the next couple of days due to the confluence of Price, Time and Cycles.
This will be my last post for quite a while as I am already supposed to be on vacation.
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