发表于 2009-7-26 04:09 PM
本帖最后由 seabiscuit 于 2009-7-26 18:39 编辑
刚出去回来,我就看见上面的discussion, excellent!!! 早上就想过这个问题,觉得多吉的算法是对的。
Bobcat 的算法基于dS/S=-dA/A, 这个equation 是hedge funds 用于操作反向ETF, 并不适合individual investors. For example, investors buy -1X ETF, hedge fund 为了保证return match 正向ETF, 就得按上述公式进行调整。 现代金融学认为the market is complete, i.e., any derivative product can be dynamically replicated via cash and some underlying stocks/bonds, based on the famous Black-Scholes PDE (let's forget about the validity of the Black-Scholes set of assumptions for now) . 这就是为什么现在有那么多, 2X, 3X, -1X, -2X, -3X 的ETFs, 怎么操作的, 理论上就是按上面的公式做相应的变动,保持其基本成立。
而对于long or short individual stocks, based on our normal sense, we need to make the following hold (as discussed by Haobuhao) when we define return:
(1) On the long side, the maximum return is +infinite (the price of the underlying stock can keep up and up), and the minimum return is -1 (the price becomes zero).
(2) On the short side, it is sensible to have the opposite. That is, the maximum return is 1 and the minimum return is -infinite (unlimited risk).
That's why I am in favor of Duoji's calculation and believe his is correct. |