楼主 |
发表于 2009-7-15 10:09 PM
我是新手,我看hithere的问题是很少有具体的例证,像本坛两位C老大,DQ的捣乱那都是用图说话,对与错先不说,看着就像那么回事。我实在不理解你天天熊熊的是要干嘛,是让我们都跟着short,斩仓还是让我们都跟着你喊熊 ...
yanansi 发表于 2009-7-15 23:04 
I must admit that it's my fault not having provided much evidence of bear market, but I promise that I would improve that from now on. I am not an expert on TA like the other two LaoDa, so I'll provide more stuff on FA. |