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Economic Report
Jun 1, 2009, 8:31 a.m. EST
Savings rate climbs to 14-year high on tax cuts
WASHINGTON - The U.S. personal savings rate jumped to a 14-year high of 5.7% in April as after-tax incomes were boosted by provisions of the economic stimulus plan, the Commerce Department reported Monday.
The stimulus was supposed to increase spending to give the economy additional support, but the 1.1% rise in disposable incomes in April mostly went into savings, the government said.
Real consumer spending fell 0.1%, the second consecutive decline and the 8th decline in the past 11 months. Inflation-adjusted spending in April was lower than it was in December 2006.
The tax cut in the stimulus plan added $49.8 billion on an annual rate to disposable incomes in April. Another provision added $25 a week to unemployment compensation, adding $11.8 billion annually to incomes.
Headline inflation was modest in April, with consumer prices rising 0.1%. Core prices - which exclude food and energy prices - rose 0.3%.
Wages and salaries were unchanged in April, the first time since September that wages didn't fall.
Small business income rose 0.4% in April, only the second gain in the past six months. Income from assets fell 0.1%, the seventh straight decline.
Income from transfer payments rose 2.3%, the sixth straight increase.
Real spending on durable goods fell 0.7% in April, led by autos. Real spending on nondurable goods fell 0.7%. Spending on services increased 0.2%.
Nominal incomes rose 0.5%. Nominal spending fell 0.1%.