seems like the broad market celebrate chrysler's bankrupcy. crazy market! this seems not just squeeze the short side. market is under severe manipulation. 终究会水落石出的。。。
Dear sister, I am not from Shanghai, actually I came from a beautiful small-size water-village in Zhejiang province. Beautiful rivers and bridges, I miss my home village. No stocks, no bonds, but fresh water and air, fresh fish and lotus, beautiful girls and handsome boys, sigh, why I came to this USA? Like a dream, I mean a nightmare.
After I read my poster followers, I found most of people here are nice. But you, you are NOT. I never follow anybody and never pay any fee to any HHs. You misunderstood me. By the way, You really sound like the guy who controls north korea. Anyway, if you do not turn to good guy now, our Chinese GODs will not cover you anymore. xixi.
Thanks, Revolver brother. You are a MAN!
I will never give up, never!(though I really hope 大P came out yesterday and acknowledged fail which will encourage middles to buy long and in turn will help our little bears. xixi).
After I read my poster followers, I found most of people here are nice. But you, you are NOT. I never follow anybody and never pay any fee to any HHs. You misunderstood me. By the way, Y ...
谷雨 发表于 2009-4-30 11:27
Dear Cobra, Please, not just draw those red, or green curves, please DO SOMETHING to stop this crazy bull! I am dying, you can not just watch me dying, can you ? You are a good-heart cobra, please do ...
谷雨 发表于 2009-4-30 11:00