QWE 发表于 2009-4-30 09:18 AM
Goldman Sachs sold $5 billion of stock earlier this month, which it raised to $5.75 billion by exercising the so-called green shoe option yesterday. 呵呵,GS总要让买单的伙计们先尝点甜头才是,不然以后谁买他的账?过河拆桥的事,GS从来不会立马就做的。不然,它就不是黑老大了。。。
Goldman Sachs sold $5 billion of stock earlier this month, which it raised to $5.75 billion by exercising the so-called green shoe option yesterday. 呵呵,GS总要让买单的伙计们先尝点甜头才是,不然以 ...
多吉 发表于 2009-4-30 09:39