As a result of this accreditation, students with ABRSM qualifications at Grades 6 to 8 benefit from UCAS (University and Colleges Admission Service) points which can be used as part of a university or college application in the UK.
Pharmacy program is a 6-year program, 2-year pre-pharmacy + 4 -year pharmacy . The students are graduated with PharmD degree.
个人觉得中国人的孩子入学竞争不会太激烈。 有一部分好学生忙着爬藤去了,另一部分好学生眼睛盯着医学院。Pharmacy 排名前面的学校都不是名气很大的藤校和私校。有兴趣认真研究其中一所学校的招生程序和申请要求,就有一个大致的概念了。