发表于 2012-1-17 09:55 AM
ranchgirl 发表于 2012-1-17 09:34
.Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitabl ...
Albert Einstein made many important contributions in physics. However, this does not mean that he was right in everything he pursued. “地心引力跟电磁场” was one important example that Albert Einstein was wrong. Here is a true story. In 1930s, Albert Einstein was well known to the world that he was famous and was a great physicist. Many young scientists liked to visit Albert Einstein to get his advice on their own researches and ideas. One time, there was a young man in his 20s visited Albert Einstein. He proposed and discussed his own idea with Einstein on how the Earth’s magnetic field was formed. He believed that the Earth’s magnetic field was generated by convection (fluid motion) because very deep inside the Earth, the rock/iron became the ionized fluid. Albert Einstein disagreed with this young man’s view. Einstein thought that the magnetic field of the Earth, a planet or a star such as the Sun existed due to the universal gravitational force influenced by the rotation of that body (Earth, planet or star).
It turned out that, this time, the young man was right! Later, he became the “father” of the field called “geodynamo” that explains how the magnetic field of the Earth or other astronomic bodies is generated.
That young man’s name was Walter M. Elsasser.
Elsasser, W. M., 1978: Memoirs of a Physicist in the Atomic Age. Watson Pub Intl, 268 pp.