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Sino Forest 太牛了

发表于 2011-6-14 07:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 flovestock 于 2011-6-14 08:03 编辑
haigez 发表于 2011-6-14 07:20

MISS   -8cents/share   estmate 22cents/share
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 07:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
Sino-Forest sinks into the red
Tim Kiladze
Globe and Mail Update
Last updated Tuesday, Jun. 14, 2011 7:53AM EDT

Sino-Forest Corp.'s earnings took a hit in the first quarter as the company posted a loss of $22.1-million (U.S.), or 8 cents per share.

The loss occurred even though Sino-Forest's revenue and gross profit were up 35 cent and 28 per cent, respectively, over the same period in 2010 from strong sales of standing timber. However, Sino-Forest's (TRE-T4.980.5111.41%) operating cash flows remained negative because the company spent $121.5-million more than it brought in. This problem has plagued the company for some time and it continued in the first quarter because $487-million was spent to acquire new plantations.

Net income in the first quarter of 2010 was $15.9-million, or 7 cents per share.

Although Sino-Forest posted a quarterly loss, the company did incur a $53-million charge as a result of switching to International Financing Reporting Standards (IFRS). Sino-Forest currently has two series of convertible notes outstanding, and these can be converted into common shares. For that reason, when the company's stock price increases, Sino-Forest incurs a greater liability because there is a greater chance that it will have to issue more stock.

At quarter end, or March 31, the share price was $25.30. Had the company reported as of Friday's close, when its shares were worth $4.47 each, Sino-Forest said it would record a gain of approximately $450-million.

The first quarter earnings are the first to be released since Muddy Waters Research released a report full of sensational allegations that claim Sino-Forest makes up revenues and overstates the value of its trees. The Ontario Securities Commission has since announced that it is looking into the situation.

Sino-Forest has already stated that it stands by its audited financial statements, but in its results, chief executive officer Allen Chan warns that the investigation could hurt future profitability. “Undoubtedly, Sino-Forest's business will be affected in the short term, as the company will be devoting much of its resources to work with external professionals in Canada, Hong Kong and mainland China, including independent accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, to examine the allegations made in the report issued by short seller Muddy Waters, LLC. Given the negative impact, management expects the pace of tree acquisition to be adversely affected.”

“On behalf of Sino-Forest's Board and employees, we wholeheartedly thank our shareholders, bondholders, customers and other stakeholders for expressing their continued support for Sino-Forest at this critical time. Given our solid, long-term track record and the integrity with which we manage our business, we strongly believe our reputation will be redeemed in due course.”

The latest results are the first time that Sino-Forest has reported under IFRS, rather than Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The earnings were delayed by a month because Sino-Forest needed time to adjust to the new reporting method.

The new accounting standards require the company to account for the fluctuating value of its trees every quarter. For instance, in the first quarter the company recorded a gain of $10.4-million on the rise in the value of its planted trees.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 07:23 AM | 显示全部楼层

Sino-Forest (TRE.TO), the target of a scathing attack from short-seller Muddy Waters, said on Tuesday its independent committee's review of the allegations leveled against the company is likely to take two to three months.

The company also reported a first-quarter loss, largely due to changes in its accounting standards. The loss came to $22.1 million, or 8 cents a share, compared with a year-earlier profit of $15.9 million, or 7 cents a share.

TORONTO | Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:01am EDT

(Reuters) - Sino-Forest (TRE.TO), the target of a scathing attack from short-seller Muddy Waters, said on Tuesday its independent committee's review of the allegations leveled against the company is likely to take two to three months.

Hong Kong-based Muddy Waters said earlier this month that Sino-Forest had fraudulently exaggerated the size of its forestry assets. Although a number of equity analysts that follow Sino-Forest have slammed the Muddy Waters report, the company's shares have fallen about 75 percent since the beginning of June.

"We are very disappointed for our stakeholders about the significant drop in the value of their investment in Sino-Forest due to the inaccurate and unfounded allegations reported by Muddy Waters," Chairman Allen Chan said in a statement.

The Toronto-listed Chinese forestry company, which owns timber plantations spread across China, has strongly denied the Muddy Waters' allegations of problems with its accounts and business structure.

The company, which counts billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson as one of its biggest shareholders, has also said it is weighing legal action against the short-seller.


The company also reported a first-quarter loss, largely due to changes in its accounting standards. The loss came to $22.1 million, or 8 cents a share, compared with a year-earlier profit of $15.9 million, or 7 cents a share.

Canadian securities regulators had granted the company a 30-day extension to file its first-quarter results, as this is the first time that the company is reporting results under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

All public entities reporting in Canada have been mandated by law to transition to IFRS, from Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, this year.

Shares of the company, which closed Monday at C$4.98 on the Toronto Stock Exchange, are now down close to 80 percent so far this year.

(Reporting by Euan Rocha; Editing by Frank McGurty)

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 08:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
Sino-Forest has given the market a bit to chew on today, too. The company reported a modest loss, countering expectations for a modest profit, but put the result down to changes in IFRS accounting. Fair enough. With regards to the battle with short-seller Carson Block and the allegations contained in his report, the company reiterated what it has done so far (hired accountants and lawyers, formed an independent committee etc.) and said that the management now expects “the pace of tree acquisition to be adversely affected.” We’re slicing and dicing the earnings report and will sit down with forensic accounting whiz and Rotman professor Ramy Elitzur at 11 am to set up a checklist of things investors should look for in a company’s financials. My accounting professor in university threw a pencil at me once… I fully expect a more civil discussion today. Plus Frances will help me with the tricky stuff.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 08:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
Sino-Forest (TRE-T 4.98 0.51 11.41%), the target of a scathing attack from short-seller Muddy Waters, said on Tuesday its internal review of the allegations leveled against the company is likely to take two or three months to complete.

Hong Kong-based Muddy Waters earlier this month accused Sino-Forest of fraudulently exaggerating the size of its forestry assets. Although a number of analysts that follow Sino-Forest have slammed the Muddy Waters report, the company's shares have fallen about 75 percent since the beginning of June.

"We are very disappointed for our stakeholders about the significant drop in the value of their investment in Sino-Forest due to the inaccurate and unfounded allegations reported by Muddy Waters," Chairman Allen Chan said in a statement.

The Toronto-listed Chinese forestry company, which owns timber plantations spread across China, has strongly denied the Muddy Waters' allegations of problems with its accounts and business structure.

Sino-Forest has appointed a committee of its independent board members to review the allegations, which have pummeled the value of its shares and bonds.

"We have assembled a strong team of independent advisers who are working diligently to complete this examination. At this time, given that our business is primarily based in China, it is anticipated that the examination will take considerable time to complete," William Ardell, the chair of the independent committee, said in a statement.

The company, which counts billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson as one of its biggest shareholders, has also said it is weighing legal action against the short-seller.


The company also reported a first-quarter loss, largely due to changes in its accounting standards. The loss came to $22.1 million US, or 8 cents a share, compared with a year-earlier profit of $15.9 million, or 7 cents a share.

Canadian securities regulators had granted the company a 30-day extension to file its first-quarter results, as this is the first time that the company is reporting results under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

All public entities reporting in Canada have been mandated by law to transition to IFRS, from Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, this year.

Sino-Forest warned that given the damaging impact of the short-seller's report it expects "the pace of tree acquisition to be adversely affected."

Even so, the company said it believes it can continue its growth through acquisitions and through sustainable long-term replanting without accessing the capital markets.

The company said it had cash and cash equivalents of about $1.1 billion as of March 31.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 02:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
new low  希望没有朋友作多
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-14 09:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
incredible good to release more cheating companies
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-15 04:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
北京时间6月15日上午消息,嘉汉林业国际有限公司(Sino-Forest Corp.)自从在近期成为浑水摸鱼研究公司(Muddy Waters LLC)创始人布洛克(Carson Block)的目标之后,嘉汉林业的股票已经下跌了82%。不过嘉汉林业日前表示,该公司对最大的股东对冲基金鲍尔森公司(Paulson & Co.)依然持“支持的”态度,鲍尔森还对嘉汉林业如何应对布洛克的指控提出了建议。

嘉汉林业首席财务官霍斯利(David Horsley)日前在一个采访中表示:“我已经与鲍尔森公司的相关人士进行谈话,他们非常支持我们,并且还就‘需要解决的问题’提出了建议。”据悉,霍斯利、嘉汉林业首席执行官陈德源(Allen Chan)以及嘉汉林业的独立董事、委员会主席阿德尔(William Ardell)于昨日举行了一个时长68分钟的新闻发布会。在本次新闻发布会上,嘉汉林业的三位高管驳斥了浑水摸鱼研究公司称“嘉汉林业夸大了其持有的木材资产”的论断。据悉,参与本次新闻发布会的人士还包括嘉汉林业的股东及一些分析师。昨日在嘉汉林业公布了低于预期的财报之后,该公司的股票下跌了33%。


鲍尔森公司的发言人阿梅尔-莱斯利(Armel Leslie)拒绝发表评论。据彭博社收集的数据显示,截至今年4月29日,鲍尔森公司持有嘉汉林业3470万股股票,约占嘉汉林业股份总数的14%。截至当地时间周二下午4:26在多伦多证券交易所,嘉汉林业的股价下跌了1.62加元至3.36加元。阿德尔表示,鲍尔森建议直到嘉汉林业对“浑水摸鱼研究公司提出的指控”的调查结束之前,嘉汉林业不要回购股票。
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发表于 2011-6-15 04:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
北京时间6月15日消息,嘉汉林业于6月14日公布了2011年第一季度业绩,并对浑水公司(Muddy Waters)的指控作出回应。


由卖空者浑水(Muddy Waters)所发起的指控和攻击对本公司造成了重大影响。如本公司于 2011年6月6日所发表的新闻稿所述,嘉汉林业认为浑水的指控是不准确的、没有根据的和具有诽谤性的。然而,由于报告对嘉汉林业的股票价格和本公司声誉所造成的严重影响,董事会负有诚信义务以严肃和全面的方式做出回应。



William Ardell —— 独立特别委员会主席
自 2010年起担任首席董事;自 2010年起被任命为董事;此前曾任 Southam Inc.的总裁兼首席执行官与董事。William Ardell 曾在多个公众与私营行业任职,曾担任非盈利性组织的董事,并出任董事长、董事或董事会成员的多项职位。William Ardell 的职业生涯始于蒙特利尔的Touche Ross。James Hyde自 2004 年起担任董事。此前曾任 GSW Inc.的财务部副总裁和首席财务官,ResolveBusiness Outsourcing Income Fund 的执行副总裁兼首席财务官,并为安永会计师事务所的原合伙人,迄今已为上市和非上市企业提供长达 24年的各类专业服务。
James Bowland
于2011年2月加入董事会;此前曾任加拿大蒙特利尔银行(BMO)资本市场投资与银行业务部的董事总经理;在兼并收购、资本市场和公司银行业务方面拥有丰富经验。James Bowland 现任数家在多伦多证券交易所上市的公众公司及非盈利性组织的董事。James Bowland是注册会计师,获加拿大企业董事协会任命。


Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP —— 领先的加拿大律师事务所
Mallesons Stephen Jaques —— 国际律师事务所,在北京、上海和相关设有办事处
君合律师事务所 —— 领先的中国律师事务所



(5)2011年6月8日,本公司要求多伦多股票交易所和加拿大投资代理商协会调查浑水研究公司与其负责人 Carson Block 及相关人士在浑水研究公司发出报告之前对嘉汉林业的股票进行交易的情况。2011年 6月8日,本公司要求新加坡交易所有限公司就嘉汉林业的债券交易情况出现非正常交易波动展开调查。

董事长兼首席执行官陈德源(Allen Chan)先生表示,“我们为本公司股东因本公司股票价格大幅下挫所背负的损失感到非常失望,而这一切均来源于浑水公司(Muddy Waters),一家为谋一己私利的卖空者及其在 6 月初所做出的不准确的、没有根据的指控。令人震惊的是,这家鲜为人知的卖空机构既没有在多伦多证券委员会、也没有在美国证券交易委员会登记注册为顾问,却如此严重地破坏了我们经 17 奋斗并在全球投资者的参与下而创造的市场价值。”

陈德源(Allen Chan)先生进一步指,“在我们近期发布的新闻稿中,本公司董事会已经表示坚持我们所经审计的财务报告的准确性。我可以向投资者承诺,包含在关于嘉汉林业的报告中的指控是不准确及没有根据的。所有重大的相关交易已在我们的财务报告中做适当披露。”

作为独立委员会的主席,William Ardell 表示,”我们已经组建了一支由独立顾问组成的、强有力的工作团队,并正在日以继夜地工作,以求完成独立审查。目前,因为本公司的业务主要位于中国,完成审查还需要一定的时间。因此,独立委员会预计至少需时两至三个月,才能提供由其独立顾问进行核查的完整报告。在此期间,我们感谢本公司相关人士对我们的支持和耐心。”

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-15 04:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
Sino-Forest said on Tuesday it will take up to three months to debunk fraud allegations leveled by short-seller Muddy Waters, rattling investors and sending its shares down more than 30 percent.

Hong Kong-based Muddy Waters earlier this month accused Sino-Forest of exaggerating the size of its forestry assets within its highly complex business structure.

Though both analysts and the company have slammed the research firm's report, the company's shares have fallen more than 80 percent since the beginning of June, pulling down its market value by about C$4 billion.

At least some of the decline reflects the Sino's inability to give a straightforward rebuttal that disproves the fraud allegations.

Shares of the company, which also reported a quarterly loss on Tuesday due to a change in accounting standards, closed down C$1.62 at C$3.36 on Tuesday on the Toronto Stock Exchange .

"The market hates uncertainty," said Barry Schwartz, a portfolio manager at Baskin Financial. "To have to wait two to three months to get clarity from the company is in my view reprehensible and inconceivable and that is why the stock is down."

"It's been very, very poor handling of the situation," said Schwartz, who believes Sino should have tackled the allegations head-on, rather than leaving investors hanging.

In a conference call earlier on Tuesday, Sino's management publicly addressed investors for the first time since the Muddy Waters report surfaced nearly two weeks ago.

Sino-Forest, which counts billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson as one of its biggest shareholders, has appointed a committee of its independent board members to review the allegations. The panel said it would take two or three months for PwC, its auditor, to gather the necessary information to address the allegations.

Muddy Waters was quick to respond to Sino-Forest's remarks, saying the company left several queries unanswered.

"It will apparently take PwC two to three months to complete its investigation," Muddy Waters founder Carson Block said in a statement.

"In our experience with much smaller frauds/companies, this is an aggressive timeline," he said, suggesting the audit could take much longer because of the complexity of Sino's business structure.

The Toronto-listed Chinese forestry company, which owns timber plantations across China, said it would slow the pace of its tree acquisitions until the audit is complete.

"It is simply prudent for at least the next three months to slow down, until the situation is clear. Later we can always speed-up our expansion plans," Chief Executive Allen Chan told Reuters.

Sino-Forest has strenuously denied that its accounts and business structure are suspect, as alleged by Block. As a short-seller, Block places bets that shares of the companies in his reports will tumble.

"I am deeply disappointed by the losses and anguish that our shareholders have had to bear these past several days," Chan told investors on a call. "I personally stand by and guarantee that the financial statements and reports filed are accurate."

Sino-Forest investors are unconvinced, said Andrew Left, who runs Citron Research, a firm that also has published reports recommending shorts of Chinese stocks.

"I don't care if the company has Barack Obama and the Pope together on a conference call endorsing the company. Wall Street speaks with its dollars," he said. "Sino-Forest, they can talk, talk, talk, but it matters what the investors hear."

In an interview with Reuters, William Ardell, the chairman of the independent committee, said the company was unlikely to proceed with any legal action against the short-seller until the review was complete.


Sino-Forest's first-quarter loss largely reflected changes in its accounting standards. It amounted to $22.1 million, or 8 cents a share, compared with a year-earlier profit of $15.9 million, or 7 cents.

The company said auditors Ernst and Young had not signed off on the results as the firm needs to review all of the Muddy Waters' allegations before it could verify the accounting, a process that would have delayed the filing of its quarterly report.

"Ernst and Young's position was that in order to complete their review, they would need to run to ground all of the allegations and obviously the time just did not permit that," Chief Financial Officer Dave Horsley told Reuters.

Canadian securities regulators had already granted the company a 30-day extension to file its first-quarter results, as this is the first time that the company is reporting results under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

All public entities reporting in Canada have been mandated by law to transition to IFRS, from Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, this year.


The price of Sino-Forest's debt also reflected the negative sentiment. Its 10.25 percent bond due 2014 , was bid at $65 on Tuesday to yield 27.72 percent according to Thomson Reuters data. The bond had been bid at $68.50 ahead of the news and was trading above par before the allegations first surfaced.

The company, which has roughly $2 billion in outstanding debt, said its cash and cash equivalents were $1.1 billion as of March 31.

Sino-Forest is rated BB-plus by Fitch Ratings, one notch below investment grade. S&P has rated it one notch lower at BB-minus. Moody's has it rated at Ba2, same as S&P, but has put the rating on watch for possible downgrade.

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-15 06:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
股市最怕的就是不确定性,即使以后能还他们清白(能吗?无风不起浪),估计也还要动荡一段时间,希望前方不是万帐深渊.做多的朋友 good luck
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发表于 2011-6-15 07:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
周二,在今年最受期待的一个业绩电话会议中,中国林业企业嘉汉林业(Sino Forest)试图反驳卖空者卡森•布洛克(Carson Block)对它的欺诈指控。



该公司声称,布洛克的研究公司浑水(Muddy Waters)于6月2日发布的报告中存在一系列错误,并对这些错误进行了解释。这份报告导致嘉汉林业股价急剧下跌。

嘉汉林业表示,布洛克指称公司云南省木材销售额“令人难以置信(也远远超出道路运输能力)”的说法完全错误。该公司称,之前已在财务披露中,将这部分归为不需要运输的活立木(standing timber)销售。

嘉汉林业首席财务官戴维•霍斯利(David Horsley)表示,布洛克在发布报告之前并未与嘉汉林业管理层沟通。








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发表于 2011-6-15 08:08 AM | 显示全部楼层

Sino-Forest’s embattled CEO Allen Chan vowed today that his company will redeem its tarnished image. But despite his best efforts to set the record straight on the company’s conference call, Chan raised more questions than he answered today. And so, as one Credit Suisse analyst put it, it looks like the road to redemption for Sino-Forest will be a long one.

Sino-Forest’s troubles began with the now infamous (and rather detailed) report from short-seller Muddy Waters alleging that the company has been fudging its revenue numbers and overstating its timber holdings in China. At the heart of those allegations is Sino-Forest’s use of so-called Approved Intermediaries or AIs to handle most of its transactions in China. Because these AIs don’t have to publicly report financial information, like taxes paid to the Chinese government for timber sales, Muddy Waters questions whether many of the reported sales have actually taken place. And it says that using AIs is not a credible way to do business in China.

In fairness, Barry Schwarz, from Baskin Financial, told BNN that AIs are used legitimately by many companies doing business in China. He said Siemens, for example, uses about 2000 AIs to do business in China.

For his part, Chan tried to explain how and why Sino-Forest uses AIs. First, he says, foreign companies can’t legally buy and sell timber directly into the market in China, so they have to use intermediaries. He says Sino-Forest only uses AIs to sell its timber to end users. The proceeds from those sales then go another set of middle men – purchasing agents – who buy up more parcels of timber for Sino-Forest. And, as it turns out, those timber assets are held through a British Virgin Islands-based holding structure.

That’s just a fraction of the story, but if you’re already confused, you’re not alone. If today’s conference call did anything, it confirmed that Sino-Forest has a complicated business model in China that may or may not be open to manipulation. And for more detailed information, we learned today that we’ll have to wait at least 2-3 months before Sino-Forest’s internal investigation, headed by PriceWaterhouseCoopers is completed.

In the meantime, Sino-Forest reported first quarter earnings today that were heavily skewed by a shift to new international financial accounting standards. And once those were accounted for, the numbers still missed the street’s expectations.

Finally, a number of investors and analysts have suggested a simple way for the company to convince its shareholders that everything is on the up and up – management should buy back Sino-Forest’s heavily discounted shares and load up their personal accounts as a vote of confidence in the company’s future. Unfortunately, the company said today that its lawyers have advised against this, until the internal investigation is over.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-15 09:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 haigez 于 2011-6-15 10:59 编辑

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发表于 2011-6-15 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
TRE.TO        3.02        -0.34        -10.12%
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发表于 2011-6-15 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层


自2011年1月1日起,所有加拿大对公众负责的企业均需采用新的国际财务报告准则(简称“IFRS”),以替代加拿大通用会计准则(简称“加拿大 GAAP”)。相关影响将在下文“2011年第1季度与 2010年第1季度比较”——IFRS中讨论。





在本公司融资策略某方面的会计处理,如2013年和2016年到期的可转换债券(总称,“可转换债券”),给本公司公布的净利润带来了重大影响。根据可转债的条款,公司可以选择通过现金或现金与普通股的组合处理可转债。IFRS 要求本公司每季度按公允价值计算嵌入衍生负债期权。随着本公司股票价格的上升,股票转换期权的价值增加(即,本公司需要支付的成本更高),相应支出因此计入损益表。截止至2011年3月31日,本公司股票价格为加币25.30元,导致本公司损益表录得约为53百万美元的支出。




ii) 所得税


iii) 销售与管理费用

销售、一般与管理费用从2010年第1季度的23.0百万美元增加到2011年第1季度的30.3百万美元。主要原因在于2011年第1季度的数据计入了绿森集团的合并业绩,包括金额约为5.8 百万美元的销售、一般与管理费用,而上一年度同期的销售、一般与管理费用为零。去年,本公司尚未对绿森集团行使重大影响,因此并未整合其业绩。



董事长兼首席执行官陈德源(Allen Chan)先生表示,“继第1季度后,我们签订了长期的总协议,将在陕西省和云南省分别收购最高达 200,000 公顷和 66,000 公顷的成熟(25年-50年)林木树木。我们预计将以10为期以每立方米不超过320元人民币(约合49美元)的价格收购木质纤维,并自收割期开始以不超过每公顷每年 525元人民币(约合80美元)的价格将林木土地出租30年,以实现可持续的重新载种。这些协议将我们的业务运营进一步扩展至到人口密集、经济预期增长率高、森林覆盖茂密以及当地建筑与制造业对木质产品有大量需求的内陆省份。”












绿森集团: 2011年第1季度,嘉汉林业因持有绿森集团业务多数股权录得的收入为1.7百万美元。


2011年第1季度,毛利润增长28.1%,达至125.8百万美元,而毛利润率(即毛利润占收入的百分比)从 2010年同期的39.1%降至2011年第1季度的37.1%,主要原因在于林木木质纤维业务所录得的毛利润率有所下降。


种植园木质纤维: 相对2010年,由于我们在2011年出售的林木的公顷数较多,而在2011年每公顷的平均成本较2010年高,活立木销售的毛利润率从2010年第1季度的54.8%,或49美元每立方米下降到2011年第1季度的49.4%,或44美元每立方米。





销售、一般与管理费用:销售、一般与管理费用在2011年第1季度增加了31.9%,达至30.3百万美元,而 2010年同期费用为23.0百万美元。销售、一般与管理费用出现增长的主要原因在于人员成本上涨;因林木影响扩大而累积增加的林木维护费用;以及因新收购绿森集团子公司而产生的大约5.8百万美元的增量成本。





陈德源(Allen Chan)先生总结说,“嘉汉林业的业务和声誉不可避免地因而将在短期内受到影响,与此同时,嘉汉林业与其雇员将全力继续与在加拿大、香港和中国大陆的外聘专业人士合作,包括由独立审计公司普华永道,去调查卖空者浑水的报告中所做出的指控。鉴于这些负面影响,管理层预计林木收购的进度将受到影响。”

“尽管当前的局面不利,我们仍将继续专注于拓展业务经营的发展策略。凭借 11亿美元的现金及现金等价物与价值36亿美元的活立木资产,嘉汉林业有实力通过收购和可持续的长期重新栽种继续成长而无需在资本市场融资。在大规模的工业化和城市化的推动下,中国受益于相对强劲的经济增长,中国及其林业行业的前景将在 2011 年保持正面。在本公司今年5月30日召开的年度股东大会上,我们宣布去年出售了17.6百万立方米的木质纤维,并表明了力争到2013年实现3千万立方米年度木质纤维产量的目标。我们有信心本公司将实现接近 20%的复合年增长率。”



嘉汉林业将于2011年6月4日(周二)美国东部标准时间上午 8:30/香港时间下午 8:30。请拨打下列电话参加会议:

北美 电话:647-427-7450;免费电话:888-231-8191

香港 电话:+1-647-427-7450;免费电话: 800-901-563

新加坡 电话:+1-647-427-7450;免费电话:800-101-2564



嘉汉林业公司是中国领先的商业林木运营企业。其主营业务包括:林木的所有和管理,活立木和原木销售,下游加工操作的综合木制品。嘉汉林业是香港上市投资控股公司绿森集团(香港证交所:00094)的控股方,该集团在苏里南、南美洲和新西兰开展业务,业务包括可持续性伐木、木材加工以及向中国和世界其他国家销售并推销原木和木材等。嘉汉林业公司普通股于 1995 年在多伦多证交所上市,上市代码为TRE。详情请访问 www.sinoforest.com


注(2)财务要点表格:EBITDA定义为在该年度/时间段内的运营收入,除去折旧、摊销、及来自于销售成本的林木资产的非现金部分,公允价值变动,并减去预计销售点成本价。提供EBITDA,是因本公司认为该数据有助于某些投资者评估我们的运营现金流以及以往偿还债务和资本支出的能力。EBITDA不是 IFRS中的财务统计指标,并且不应该被视作运营活动现金流的替代统计方法。也不应该被视为是根据 IFRS 来衡量流动性;或者本公司运营业绩的替代指标;或者业绩的任何其它统计指标。




嘉汉林业公司  黄琬仪 – 投资者沟通和关系部高级经理

电话:+852 2514 2109  电邮: louisa-wong@sinoforest.com

博然思维集团公司   电子邮件:sinoforest@brunswickgroup.com

卢志伦  电话: + 852 3512 5000;手机: + 852 9850 5033

郑小晖  电话:+ 852 3512 5000;手机:+ 852 9131 5202

回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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发表于 2011-6-21 06:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
Billionaire fund manager sells all of Sino-Forest holding
TORONTO, VANCOUVER— From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Last updated Tuesday, Jun. 21, 2011 6:25AM EDT

Sino-Forest Corp.’s (TRE-T2.73-0.46-14.42%) largest shareholder, the investment firm headed by billionaire U.S. hedge fund manager John Paulson, has bailed out, selling its entire position in the embattled forestry company.

Mr. Paulson and his firm, Paulson & Co., best known for prescient calls on the global financial crisis and the price of gold, controlled 14 per cent of Sino-Forest’s stock or about 34.7 million shares until recently. Paulson & Co. sold all of those shares by last Friday, according to a filing late yesterday with Canadian securities regulators.

“Due to the uncertainty over Sino-Forest's public disclosures and financial statements, we have sold our stock and await the results of the independent committee's investigation,” the firm said in a statement released through a public relations agency.

Sino-Forest shares have plunged 85 per cent since fraud allegations were levelled against it by short seller Carson Block and his firm, Muddy Waters LLC on June 2.

Sino-Forest executives had claimed that Mr. Paulson remained supportive of the company as it sought to beat back Muddy Waters’ allegations. “We are certainly in conversation with him and others to talk about what is going on and things that we need to be doing and the alternatives that the company could undertake to respond to some of these allegations. It has been friendly, supportive and suggestive discussions,” Sino-Forest chief financial officer David Horsley said in a June 7 interview with The Globe and Mail.

The disclosure of Mr. Paulson’s exit came on the same day the company released a lengthy statement to address a Globe investigation that was published Saturday. That investigation, which was based on discussions with Chinese forestry officials and a major Sino-Forest business partner, raised questions about the company’s holdings in Yunnan province.

Sino-Forest says it owns about 230,000 hectares of timber in the province. But in an interview with The Globe, Xie Hongting, the chairman of Gengma Forestry, the company through which Sino-Forest said it had acquired the trees, gave a much lower figure. He said transactions carried out by Sino-Forest amounted to less than 14,000 hectares.

In response, Sino-Forest released a statement before markets opened Monday arguing that the article is an “incorrect portrayal of its business” and “reflects some factual misunderstandings regarding the company's ownership of trees in Yunnan.”

In its statement, Sino-Forest said the answer given by Mr. Xie to The Globe did not give a complete picture of the transactions. The company said it has bought nearly 25,000 hectares of timber from Gengma and another 205,500 hectares from other parties, using Gengma as a purchasing agent on the transactions.

“This breakdown is completely consistent with the company’s public disclosure of its total acquisitions of standing timber hectares in Yunnan province in its first quarter [regulatory filings],” Sino-Forest said.

The disclosure is not consistent with figures that Sino-Forest provided The Globe on Friday, before the article’s publication. In an e-mail response to questions that day, Sino-Forest said it had acquired 13,333 hectares of timber “directly from and owned by” Gengma and another 180,000 hectares from other sellers, using Gengma as a purchasing agent.

On Monday, The Globe asked Sino-Forest to clarify these conflicting accounts, but the company declined to comment.

Investors will have to wait as long as three months before they get answers from an independent audit committee that was created in the wake of the Muddy Waters report. The committee has hired accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers to look through the necessary documents.

In the meantime, some Bay Street analysts are clearing the field. On Monday, Dundee Securities analyst Richard Kelertas, who had previously hosted a conference call during which he criticized the Muddy Waters report, suspended coverage of the stock until after the independent committee issues its report.

“Dundee has temporarily suspended research coverage of Sino-Forest owing to the current lack of what Dundee considers reliable independent information upon which to base its evaluation,” the firm said in a statement.
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发表于 2011-7-26 12:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
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