今天早上, 一个傻X的FED官员又出来说了:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard on Friday said there is unanimity among officials on the central bank's policy-setting panel over providing more support to the economy if the recovery suffers a serious setback.
"I think everyone on the committee is completely on board with the idea that, you know, if things got really bad, we would try to take other action," he said on CNBC television.
Bullard said he has concerns that the Fed's current policy of promising exceptionally low interest rates for an extended period could have the opposite of its intended effect of stimulating growth
But Bullard, repeating comments he made on Thursday, said his research shows the pledge could in fact cause the economy to stall at a point of falling inflation and sluggish growth, mirroring Japan's. Japan for years has struggled to escape from weak or little growth and deflation.
The St. Louis Fed chairman said that with interest rates near zero, the central bank should shift its focus from promising low interest rates to using its printing press to push more credit into the financial system as economic conditions fluctuate.
RP: This is exactly what's happening today. If there were some smart people out there that said “Let’s short them” in '08, they're not going to short them this time around because many people have decided that we're in a real recovery and the most we can do is double-dip. But as happened to Jesse Livermore, the '29 crash was simply the first shot across the bow. The real destruction occurred from April 1930 to July 1932. Stocks lost over 80 percent of their value over that period. I think that's exactly the kind of environment we're in, and it's going to fool the smartest people on the planet. If you ask the people in the administration, the smartest people on the planet are running the Fed and the Treasury. I think they're going to get fooled. They think they can guarantee all this debt and get away with it; they're even talking about how they're going to make a profit. There's no way that's going to happen. They're going to dig themselves deeper and deeper into the hole until they finally blink. They're going to realize that if they're going to maintain any credibility with creditors on the face of the earth, they're going to have to stop. |