发表于 2009-6-2 02:45 PM
俺只有一点想不明白,现在长,说是因为这些银行要增发新股,所以不让跌,这里言外之意就是这些银行能控制股市的涨跌,那问题就来了,既然能控制涨跌,这些银行咋会弄得要破产?所以,俺其实不太相信这种解释,或 ...
Cobra 发表于 2009-6-2 15:40 
nobody can control the market, big banks and MMs can see stuff we don't, they just KNOW where the market goes and take advantage of it, they can't control it. they pick this time to issue new shares because they KNOW the market won't drop. |