post #200: I know the problem for a long long time.
stockcharts use $CPC for $CPCE before close of extended hours.
Perhaps starting from last week, $CPC and $CPCE go different during the market hours and exten ...
bayliner1979 发表于 2009-2-10 18:14
For an earlier glimpse of what $cpce final value could be, look at the equity option ratio at 3pm (available at ~4pm) is very close to the final $cpce (available at 6-7pm).
phantom bar shall appear on 1min or 5min chart? I didn't see any weird bar at $83.6 around 2:30pm today on Benmao, where did you see it?
Also for yesterday, around 3:30pm, there is a bar shooting up to $84.7 on 5min and 15min chart, but interestingly not on 1min chart. Any idea how could this happen?