Let me try this one: Bond holders are saying US maybe fine in short term, so we can still get our money back. But in long term, we don't have confidence.
Bond yield高还带来一个问题,就是你的房贷的利率要涨,你想啊,连最安全的米国政府债券都5%了,你的房贷怎么都有default的风险吧?那不来个7%?问题是,大家本来就买不起房子呢,这要是那么高的房贷,不就更买不起了?这也意味着Fed的减息的作用都没有了,Fed没有法了,印钱行不?这又回到前面说的了,inflatioan,然后是更高的Yield,然后是更高的房贷,恶性循环啊。
Let me try this one: Bond holders are saying US maybe fine in short term, so we can still get our money back. But in long term, we don't have confidence.
colderdown 发表于 2009-5-27 14:46
My understanding is that the bond was a safe play before. While stock performed bad, money flow to bond market which added presure on the yield, vice versa. Now, in order to save the e ...
colderdown 发表于 2009-5-27 14:39