本帖最后由 多吉 于 2009-7-15 08:30 编辑
187# 多吉
How much do you want to bet this won't happen? 
colderdown 发表于 2009-7-15 12:01 AM 
I don't know...But,
I DO know that
there're less than 2% people, including O8/GS,
who are dying for such a scenario lying ahead...

2009年07月15日 11:27
中新网7月15日电 由于美国多项经济数据不如预期,市场悲观情绪加剧,要求推出新的经济刺激计划,奥巴马访俄时曾表示,第二轮财经刺激计划并无必要,但也不排除推出的可能;然而,7月11日奥巴马通过电台对美国民众发表演讲时,却明确否定了这种可能性。美国《侨报》14日发表署名文章,对奥巴马的做法进行了分析。文章摘录如下:

Some words from GS
Some commentators criticize the US economic policy response to the crisis because they believe that it prevents (or at least postpones) the necessary adjustment of financial imbalances. This view is very widespread. Its proponents are found on both sides of the political spectrum as well as both sides of the inflation/deflation debate.
· But the data do not support it. Whether we look at the increase in the private sector financial balance, the decline in borrowing, or the drop in the trade deficit, the US economy is undergoing a massive adjustment. Thus, the unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy expansion has only provided a partial offset to the even more unprecedented private sector retrenchment.
· The extent of the adjustment and the scale of the “collateral damage” to employment and living standards suggest that the appropriate debate is not whether fiscal and monetary expansion is appropriate in principle but whether it has been sufficiently aggressive. In our view, further stimulus remains appropriate but we don’t expect much from policymakers in this regard, at least in the near term.
Many commentators criticize the expansionary policies adopted by the Federal Reserve and the Obama administration. They argue that monetary and fiscal stimulus are preventing the necessary adjustment of the US financial imbalances, with potentially dire consequences. This view is so widespread that its proponents are found on both sides of the political spectrum, as well as both sides of the inflation/deflation debate. The common thread is that monetary and fiscal stimulus may lessen the pain in the present but will cause even more pain in the future. The economy just needs to “take the pain,” in this view.
A good example can be found in a recent blog comment by former IMF chief economist Simon Johnson on a newspaper interview with NEC director Lawrence Summers (see http://baselinescenario.com/2009 ... umptions/#more-4332). In the interview, Summers argues that the current US predicament differs from an emerging market crisis and “…has more in common, at least qualitatively, with the Japanese post-bubble problem, where the issue was not reassuring foreigners but maintaining sufficient domestic demand to push the economy forward.” In Johnson’s view, the crisis does have parallels with an emerging market crisis or for that matter the 1970s experience in the US. He says that “…there has been a permanent shock…to which we should adjust, and if we attempt to postpone that adjustment excessively through overexpansionary macro policies, we’ll experience a great deal of inflation.”
However, a look at the data shows that the US economy is in fact undergoing a massive adjustment, despite the sharp turn toward monetary and fiscal expansion. Consider the following observations:
1. A sharp private spending retrenchment. The private sector financial balance—defined as the difference between private saving and private investment, or equivalently between private income and private spending—has risen from -3.6% of GDP in the 2006Q3 to +5.6% in 2009Q1. This 8.2% of GDP adjustment is already by far the biggest in postwar history and is in fact bigger than the increase seen in the early 1930s. (Note that the 1929-1947 are only available at an annual frequency.) The increase implies that spending has plunged relative to income and investment (especially construction investment) has plunged relative to saving. Moreover, judging from the ongoing increase in the personal saving rate, 2009Q2 probably saw a further surge in the private sector balance.
2. A collapse in borrowing. Consistent with the private spending retrenchment, debt among households and nonfinancial businesses is actually declining for the first time on record (the data go back to 1952). Debt growth has fallen from +10.6% (annualized) in 2006Q1 to -0.7% in 2009Q1. Moreover, total nonfinancial debt growth has also slowed from a peak of 9.9% (annualized) in 2005Q4 to 4.3% in 2009Q1, as the increase in Treasury borrowing has only partially offset the collapse in the private sector. Finally, total debt—nonfinancial and financial—is shrinking rapidly, even if we include the federal government.
3. A sharp decline in global trade imbalances. The US private sector retrenchment has also translated into a sharp drop in the US trade and current account deficit. From August 2006 to May 2009, the trade deficit in goods and services has declined from 6.2% of GDP to 2.2% of GDP. Moreover, much of this decline is matched by a sharp drop in trade surpluses in China, Japan, and Germany. Hence, it appears that global trade imbalances have in fact corrected quite quickly.
These observations suggest that the turn toward monetary and fiscal expansion has at most provided a partial offset to the unprecedented private retrenchment. Indeed, the extent of the adjustment and the scale of the “collateral damage” to employment and living standards suggest that the appropriate debate is not whether fiscal and monetary expansion is warranted in principle but whether it needs to be stepped up.
While unemployment continues to increase and core inflation continues to fall, the answer is that further stimulus remains appropriate. But the prospects that we will actually see this are limited, at least in the near term. On the monetary policy side, Fed officials seem reluctant to expand the move toward unconventional easing. This is partly because they seem to have gotten a bit more optimistic about the economy, partly because of worries about the “exit” problem, and partly because the impact of the asset purchase program on financial conditions has been limited. On the fiscal policy side, the obstacles are mostly political as the Obama administration seems to believe that it is simply too soon to call for another stimulus program. Ultimately, we do expect further stimulus, but it may take significant disappointments in the economic data and the financial markets before policymakers move further in this direction.
Jan Hatzius |