本帖最后由 股帝 于 2009-8-25 10:55 编辑
胡同最近有点乱, 老蛇不容易。 我就带头多放放空气,大家也帮帮忙,多贡献一下。 胡同里不露山不显水的朋友很多,不要只潜水。
要有choice,我是宁愿用我三脚猫的英文的,因码字快。 用中文码,very time consuming。但大家是老中,我就来点中英结合吧。
我二月份曾在我blog公开的所谓抄底trades,目的就是交流,绝没show off 的purpose。说真的,都是免费的,我何必show off?后来,不敢了,怕害人。 老毛讲过:宁教人分家,莫教人炒股。所以,我只敢讲讲大道理。 想看我贴炒股的,一定很disappointed。
我炒股,没窍门。但有一点,我进入每一round的trades后,每天先定一plan,但不是死的plan,market open 后要随机adjust。这就是为什么,我一向强调,不能乱跟的原因。 市场千变万化,你是跟不来的。 除非我替你trade。
我讲过,我不是DT or ST guy, 我是一个opportunity trader, 有空,有机会就动一动,不然就看而不动,一年就动它几次。 但有一点很重要,就是我只trade我有感觉的sector, 或个股。这感觉,来自hardwork,来自对它们的跟踪。有句话是,当你握着老婆的手,就像左手握右手。这就是你要的感觉。
If you have read "God Father", you might still remember how Michael Corleone patiently took his time, waited for the right opportunity and won decisively with one strike that destroyed his opponents.
Trading stock is the same. In general, active traders lost to patient traders. A lot of traders, including myself sometimes, could not control the urge of jumping into a wrong trade worrying about missing the opportunity of making money. In a lot of cases, by simply taking a step back and sit tight will avoid loss.
1. lost money 后,急着把lost的钱赚回来。
Stocks are like fishes, there are many of them in a pond and there are many good fishes. Trading stock should be like fishing, patiently waiting for the fishes to take your bite. If one fish passes by, there is always another one. So why in a hurry?
That's why successful traders always said, if you miss a good entry point after your favor stock takes off, don't chase it, wait for a pullback before you enter. In the worst case, even if you miss this one stock, there are always others. Remember, a stock is simply a small fish in a big pond, in this case, the pond being the stock market.
2. made money 后,飘飘然,白毛汝北风那个飘呀飘的样,想再make more money right the way。这时,你的心态已乱,头脑不清,后果很严重。My personal experience is, I always lost money when I lost my patience.
Patience also is needed for making good profit. Once your favorite stock is bought, you need to give it time to develop. As long as your cut loss point is set, let the stock run to achieve greater profit.
还有, 我每一次在complete一个round 后, regardless 赢还是输,都take 个 break, 离场总结。
好,码了这么多,老蛇不给个金钻,就很打击我的积极性了。 |