【 在 JadeFans (翡翠粉丝) 的大作中提到: 】
: Hard to say it is negative or positive. Market can interpret in either way.
: I would say Monday is 55% chance green versus 45% red. Gap down is likely.
This is acutally postive in some way, you notice the interest rate is going
down recently, the last thing we want now is higher interest rate.
【 在 babycrynot (不哭的小孩儿) 的大作中提到: 】
: 第二轮经济刺激法案短期内不会开始,这个应该是周五下午才透漏出来的。特别是八
It's actually far higher than 9.5%. They don't report those who are
too discouraged to search any more and those who had to settle for
low salary part time but look for full time jobs. Those stats were
included in the report 26 years ago.
If using the past standard, the unemployment rate is already 17%.