offensive sector:
xly xli 典型的main street relevant, 实体经济的风向标
xlk, also main street relevant, 但是tech也和liquidity,volatility,risk favor有关,当smh强于xlk强于spx,则是典型的上攻态势
xlf is strong today because it drops too much yesterday. Actually it is a little weaker than spy if compared with price two days ago.
This makes me feel really cann't use one day's sector performance to judge.
thanks pinball, nice analysis, from time to time, we can also watch xle, xlk, xlb option jumps. those 3 option normally thin traded, but once the sudden change happens, usually follow by big mkt moves.
今天的spx回升到了932-869的50%回测位置,将要面临er的金融出现了一波squeeze的行情,同时将要面临er的tech涨幅落后于大盘,明天大家在拿gs等金融股当风向标的时候别忘了keep eyes on tech,如果比较明显的divergence继续,基本今天这个行情属于squeeze型的反抽,是个大牛套。