发表于 2009-6-12 04:35 PM
Every day the fund UNG is creating around 10M shares because the demand for UNG shares is far more than the supply at the market.
Right now Natural Gas future price is almost controlled by UNG. If no big outflow of funds from UNG, the natural gas price has only one way to go: Up!
UNG's biggest problem is severe contango............ IF UNG roll over all its contract today, its price should decay at least 10% due to 10% price differences between July Contract and August Contract.
Also, pay attention to Rig count. Natural Gas Rig dropped below 700 first time since 2002.....
http://www.reuters.com/article/r ... dUSN126970820090612
QWE 发表于 2009-6-12 17:09  |