In order to win, MMs and Fed can do anything under current situation. Comparing to printing tons of money, change rules of M2M, cooking data is nothing. And they still have the chance to correct it later.
May is the beginning month of summer season, service industries should hire a lot of people. NFP number should be positive.
"Job losses -- while slower in May -- were still widespread. Construction companies cut 59,000 jobs, down from 108,000 in April. Factories cut 156,000, on top of 154,000 in the previous month. Retailers cut 17,500 positions, compared with 36,500, while financial activities cut 30,000, down from 45,000. Education, health care, leisure and hospitality were among the industries adding jobs in May. "
"If job losses were smaller than expected, you might ask, then why did the unemployment rate go up? As it turns out, 350,000 people entered the labor force (those employed or looking for jobs) during the month. This could be a function of people who had previously given up their job searches putting their names out. As a result, the number of unemployed persons increased by 787,000 during the month to 14.5 million, the highest number on record going back to 1948."