发表于 2009-6-3 05:33 PM
本帖最后由 pgsho 于 2009-6-3 18:37 编辑
大P, 你说的没错. 可是你说的都是current news, which has been discounted in stock price. what moves market is new news. 好多人没搞懂股市为什么在涨. 那是因为3月份, depression is really a possibility. 股市涨不是因为经济已经平稳, 而是因为we avoided a depression, and market gained visibility.
美国是消费型经济, 美国人的消费观念可能会暂时改变, 但不久又会回到从前. 社会和人的生活习惯很难改变. 所以不要想太多了. too much speculation. 2002-2003年时好多人predicted the internet bubble will forever change the society, the result is nothing changed. |