Yesterday there was an earthquake in the bond market:
1)10 year T note widened by 17 bps.
2)2/10 spread is record high.
3)mortgage widened a whooping 42 bps in a single day
The monetary policy of the central bank is failing. Three things will happen from here:
1) US government needs to boost tax rate to mitigate huge deficit, which will destroy the economy.
2) US government needs to monetize another 500-1000 billion debt, further increase the long term borrowing cost.
3) US government realizes it cannot fight against market gravity and unwinds liquidity (highly unlikely) to protect dollar, sending the market to abyss.
The Fed is officially running out of options now. Meanwhile, there is still 2000-3000 billion dollar losses to be realized in the next a few years. History is being made in front of our eyes. |