发表于 2009-5-26 08:55 PM
>>>> 就应该记得在2001年中的一段中期下跌走势(那段中期走势以911事件为最后一击落底)
This time is similar to the time after 09/11/2001, not similar to pre 09/11/2001. Right now is the second phase of big bear market. After 09/11/2001, the market entered the second phase of that big bear market.
From 03/10/2000 high through 09/11/2001 low, it took 18 months; from 10/10/2007 high through 03/09/2009 low, it took 18 months. From seeing the time, I do not think right now is similar to 2001年中的一段中期下跌走势 although 价量背离 and MACD上出现严重的顶背离.
Just my thoughts for sharing and thanks for your analysis ... |