这次rally是真走眼,我一直纳闷,是什么家伙弹药那么充足,35%的涨幅,是咱们小散吗?借个sentimentrader的话 “At the end of February, there was enough cash parked in these funds to buy 53% of the entire S&P 500. ” 有哪位能看看最近的money market data,我猜和二月份data没什么大区别。是那些几百个billion的大家伙吗?我还好还知道一些隐隐约约的rumor,那些超级大家伙这两个月就是两个字:不动。那这天天活见鬼狂涨的buying power 是哪里来的?难道这见鬼的事情还天天有了?!
you are right. couple of my friends just opened accounts this year around Feb. and they started buying stock around March. Now they are making shit of money without knowing any short :D
you are right. couple of my friends just opened accounts this year around Feb. and they started buying stock around March. Now they are making shit of money without knowing any short :D
pearl0 发表于 2009-5-4 22:29