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Buyable dip or the market topped? |
Today’s Summary |
Bears must make a lower low within 2 days to prove themselves.
63% chances the market may close in green tomorrow.
Firework trading setup was triggered today, but I'm not sure if there'll be any firework this time. |
今天没啥说的,信号mixed,中期no clue,短期则也许可能大概明天最终收绿的可能大一点点儿。
7.1.0 Use n vs n Rule to Identify a Trend Change,One day does not make a trend,所以熊熊不要激动,两天内形成lower low,再庆祝不迟。
7.0.4 Extreme CPC Readings Watch,CPC大于0.7小于0.8,63%的机会明天收绿,同时trigger了7.3.2 Firework Trading Setup,so far过去的收益都不错,不过这次是不是又要放焰火,no idea,理由是大盘intermediate-term依然处于超买状态,有点难想象这种情况下大盘是否还能暴涨。
0.0.3 SPX Intermediate-term Trading Signals,1.1.4 Nasdaq 100 Index Intermediate-term Trading Signals,顺便再看一下,超买的情况没有得到任何修正。
1.0.4 S&P 500 SPDRs (SPY 15 min),有点Bullish Falling Wedge的意思,不过并不说明马上就反弹。俺猜,也许可能大概会先跌到绿线的位置,那时候大盘应该very short-term very oversold了,那里反弹的可能比较大。
1.3.7 Russell 3000 Dominant Price-Volume Relationships,1451 stocks price down volume up,这个比较bearish,暗示下跌才刚刚开始,当然这并不说明明天会收红,因此跟前面说的63%的机会明天会收绿的说法并不矛盾。
When both SPX and VIX drops,这个看一下,今天又是SPX下跌1%以上,同时VIX也是下跌的,统计来讲,从一周,到一个月的时间看,似乎结果比较bullish。