# Oz, Tony - Day Trading Wizard.pdf
# Oz, Tony - The Stock Trader How I Make a Living Trading Stocks.pdf
# Oz, Tony - The Stock Trader.pdf
I heard Livermore or someone else saying, if you are expecting the stock market to help you bring bread home every week, it will take all your money instead.
Because if you need to bring bread home, you have too much pressure.
1,daytrader 一天一结,大多数用的都是daily goal (DG),有些用weekly goal, 用monthly goal很少。DG 一般在0.5%-1.5%之间,用monthly goal大多数是swing trader。
2,daytrader target base hit,instead of HR
3,20个trading day, down day数目小于5,最好小于3,daily max loss 小于2 X average gain,sharp ratio 至少大于2,最好大于3
4,一般达到DG以后我很少stop trading,我大多数时候either just shy of DG,能过得话,一般都能奔double DG而去
7,daytrader withdraw their gains regularly,either weekly or monthly。就像给自己发工资一样。
8,Most important, daytraders are the most disciplined traders, ask yourself if you are one of them.