这是一篇描述Scholastic Bowl比赛的短文
Beads of perspiration trickle down our foreheads. The same look of determination and focus appear on our faces. Our bodies are tense with anticipation. It’s five on five! This one is for all the glories. No, it’s not a basketball playoff . This is scholastic bowl, a game where academic knowledge, dexterous fingers, random facts, timers and buzzers are blended together into exhilarating fun. To buzz or not to buzz, that is the question. In this game of milliseconds, the slightest hesitation could be the difference between victory and defeat. “Which Norwegian play wright”—buzz— “Ibsen”. “Correct!” It’s bonus time ---30seconds to answer a four-question part with my teammates. As a captain, I am forced to decide among all the wonderful answers in front of me. If we manage to outscore the opponent after twenty questions, we win!!! Yes, it is THAT exciting.
Scholastic Bowl 又叫Academic Bowl , 与电视 Jeopardy Show (quiz show) 很相似,相当于知识智力竞赛。很多中学都有这样的课外活动俱乐部。比赛有很多团队参加,主持人提出问题,参赛者必需在规定的时间内给出正确答案。问题的内容包罗万象,涉及历史,地理,文学,音乐,文化,艺术,科学等等。这项比赛要求很广的知识面而且反应要快,要敢于冒险和承担责任。队员之间要配合默契,互相鼓励,互相安慰。这种比赛活动的紧张程度绝不亚于篮球比赛。