发表于 2009-9-11 08:11 PM
本帖最后由 TATrader 于 2009-9-11 21:14 编辑
there is no noble 高尚 or evil way to make money (there is difference btw a legal and criminal way) .
Trading, basically, is a legal way to rob others' bank. it is zero sum game, my gain is your loss (actually less, considering commission),
it is like, football is a legal way to beat people down.
Same case as in travel business, you have airline, hotel, bus, restaurant, park, photo service, all in the same business frame, which is the noble way, which is evil way to make money? I don't know,
trading service is part of WS trading business, like other one: TV commerical, selling books and etc. Is trading market the only legitimate or the so called noble way to make money in this business? I don't think so.
right, there is no FREE lunch. to make money, you have to make an effort.
But EFFORT(or time commitment) is not equal to RISK. You work hard, like your everyday job, to make money, but you do not risk any capital.
The result of working hard on daily job is either no income or some income, you have no risk to lose your deposit or capital.
The result of trading is either flat, some income, or NEGATIVE income. That is RISK. you have potential loss of capital.
I personally does not oppose anyone to do business on selling books, trading systems.
To me, it is just a way of doing business. No difference than selling hot dogs or fried chicken.
I also agree w ...
乡下人 发表于 2009-9-11 20:43  |