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[新闻] 最大黄金生产商停止Hedge

发表于 2009-9-9 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

本帖最后由 yaobooyao 于 2009-9-9 18:55 编辑

DJN: =DJ FOCUS: Barrick Move Drove Gold's Rise, Rally Unsustainable

By Devon Maylie

LONDON (Dow Jones)--Dehedging by the world's largest gold producer, Barrick  Gold Corp. (ABX), has been the driving force behind gold's move above $1,000 a troy ounce this week, a price level analysts say is unsustainable.

Barrick said late Tuesday that it will close its gold hedges at a total cost of $1.9 billion over the next 12-months. So far the company has converted 2.4 million ounces of fixed price contracts to floating contracts since the end of June, which required the miner to buy that amount of gold in the market. The company still has 3 million ounces of fixed price contracts to dehedge,  but that will take place over a longer period of time, a Barrick spokesman told Dow Jones Newswires.

Gold hedging among producers, or the practice of selling future gold production in advance on the belief that current prices will be better than those in the future, is declining. Dehedging involves a company buying back such gold in expectation of price rises.
"We have more buying to do," the Barrick spokesman said. Traders and analysts said the dehedging done since the end of the second quarter, before Barrick's announcement, had been a major contributor to the nearly $100 rise in the price of gold over that period. Barrick's announcement indicates producers are accelerating the process of buying back hedges to get full exposure to the metal, in anticipation that prices will rise further. But while dehedging has driven gold prices higher, as the amount of gold hedged shrinks, the support to prices from dehedging will begin to flag.

Barrick had 5.4 million ounces of fixed-priced contracts at the end of June.

On Tuesday the company said it now has only 3.0 million ounces remaining as of Sept. 7. Therefore, it had already dehedged 2.4 million ounces between July 1 and Sept. 7, said VM Group analyst Matthew Turner. That is equivalent to a sixth of global mine production in that period. The news is bearish for the gold price. The price rise had seen analysts scrambling for explanations. But now there is a consensus on the cause, and also that it isn't a cause likely to be repeated with the same intensity, Turner said, alluding to the Barrick dehedging. "We conclude that recent buying from Barrick probably contributed a lot to the move in gold over the past week and that, while there may be more buying to do, we believe their outstanding position is closer to 2 million ounces than the 3 million ounces reported," UBS analyst John Reade said. There have been other factors driving the gold price, which topped $1,000 an ounce Tuesday, and these will continue to buoy the price of the precious metal into 2010, analysts say. Such factors include U.S. dollar weakness and investor concerns about future inflation. "We hold our one and three month forecasts for gold at $950 an ounce and $1,000 an ounce respectively, signaling that we expect a pullback in the short term," Reade said.
RBS forecasts gold to peak next year in the first quarter at $1,100 an ounce and to average $1,000 an ounce through 2010.
"Gold's long-term history as a harbinger of inflation, or gauge of inflation expectations, is clear," said RBS analyst Stephen Briggs. Investors are concerned about inflation and are getting into gold now to protect against possible inflation in the future, Briggs said. While a large portion of Barrick's dehedging is already completed, there is some left to do, while AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. (AU) has previously said it plans to reduce its hedge book to 4.1 million ounces by year-end.

As a result of Barrick's announcement, total dehedging this year may now be more than expected, but the long-term pattern is still for the global hedge book to fall to zero, said RBS' Briggs. As of the end of the second quarter this year, the global hedge book was at 14.7 million ounces. That's down from the peak of 103 million ounces in the third quarter of 2001.

Barrick's hedge book closure "marks the beginning of the end of the global gold miner hedge book: once this transaction is completed, it will leave the industry's remaining hedge book concentrated in the hand of one producer, AngloGold Ashanti," said Reade. Barrick's decision could pressure AngloGold to accelerate its dehedging process, Reade said, and then there won't be much dehedging left to do. Under the terms of the gold hedges, Barrick could purchase gold in the open market or deliver physical gold into these contracts in order to terminate them, the company said. Within the next 12 months, Barrick said that, when a good opportunity arises, it will purchase gold in the open market and/or deliver metal from its own production to minimize the cost of settlement. These ounces will then be delivered against the gold hedges in order to terminate them.

Barrick cited concern by shareholders and a bullish outlook for the metal as reasons for closing the hedge book.

-By Devon Maylie; Dow Jones Newswires; (4420) 7842 9483;
发表于 2009-9-9 08:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
It is a bad sign for gold. People are way too bullish on gold and hoping a dollar collapse, which will not happen. Another scenario is a total panic, while it is possible, it is unclear how that would affect gold.
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-9 08:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
It is a bad sign for gold. People are way too bullish on gold and hoping a dollar collapse, which will not happen. Another scenario is a total panic, while it is possible, it is unclear how that would ...
polopolo 发表于 2009-9-9 21:39

Unfortunately not so many people paid attention to this news.
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发表于 2009-9-9 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-9 10:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
Rubbish analysis.
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发表于 2009-9-10 06:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-9-10 08:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
Did Barrick Just Jinx Gold Again?

Long-term readers of Think B.I.G. might remember this post we did back in March 2008:


As shown in the chart below, Barrick's CEO top-ticked the gold market at $1,000/ounce with his "there's lots of room to go in the gold price" in early March 2008.  Unfortunately for gold bulls, Barrick made another huge bullish bet on gold yesterday when the company announced that it was eliminating all of its hedges on the metal.  This came just as the price ticked above $1,000/ounce for the first time since February.  Will Barrick get it right this time, or is this an ominous sign for investors who are long gold?


From http://bespokeinvest.typepad.com/
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发表于 2009-9-10 08:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
7# Cooker

this is funny. maybe they are just like the most common investors: panic at bottom and greed at top.
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发表于 2009-9-10 09:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-10 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yaobooyao 于 2009-9-10 15:16 编辑
izan 发表于 2009-9-10 07:58

黄金生产商为了避免价格下跌的风险,通常都会卖远期的FIX PRICE FUTURE CONTRACT 来对冲风险,而这个远期合约的固定价格通常低于现货SPOT 价格和近期期货价格,例如目前金价$1000,而ABX 可能去年卖的本月到期交割的期货价格才$800,那期货多头稳收$200元差价的利润,而ABX则只能分享金价$800 以下的利润空间,$1000元-$800 =$200 的现货价格的价差则被期货投机者独占,跟ABX这个黄金生产商没有任何关系了。而黄金期货市场价格通常都是所谓backwordation,即远期价格< 近期价格 < 现货价格。Backwordation 现象通常是由于生产商卖出期货合约防止价格下跌风险,如果他看好黄金需求,刚性需求远大于供给,不怕卖不出好价钱,则可以认为价格下跌风险很低,不再销售远期的低价期货合约来对冲风险。这也是一种赌博,唯一的风险是通胀预期落空,美元贬值预期落空,对于后者,FED的发债规模是最好的指标了,好像市场最不缺的就是美元了,你说呢? 另外,传统的经济周期理论中,市场在走出衰退后进入快速发展期,必然进入通货膨胀阶段;反观FED在格老时代,每次在经济过热时候,对流动性的回收总是慢不止一拍,对通货膨胀可谓推波助澜;综观这两个因素,黄金价格应该很牛才对。(不过,谁知道呢?)

ABX 此举取消金价的Hedge,基本原因可能是看多黄金价格(基于通货膨胀和美元贬值预期),看多远期黄金需求,所以不再以低于现货市场价格的合约销售远期交割合约,借此来参与金价的波动风险,从中获得更多的利益。

ABX 完全取消(unwind) Hedge的过程,他需要通过两种方式来收回以前卖出的合约 - A。现货交割; B。在期货市场买入多头合约,来对冲掉先前卖出的空头合约;A、B两种行为,对近期的金价影响很大;在ABX的B方式基本结束后,未来一段时间的近期金期货价格有可能回落;市场重回平衡之后,黄金生产商的行为将对期货市场价格有重要影响,因为他减少了期货供给,所以黄金期价和现货价的关系将很微妙,如果黄金需求者更关心黄金供给风险,则黄金期货市场会变成Contango,即远期期货价格> 近期期货价格> 现货价格,整个市场曲线就由前高后低,变成前低后高,如果这样,黄金生产商就赚了。

我猜,下一步,期货投机者可能会发明一个类似于$VIX 的期货产品,跟踪黄金价格的波动性,从中投机获利。姑且称之“Gold VIX” 指标吧。

现在,黄金市场静等尘埃落定,游戏规则重新修改后,供需双方的重新平衡决定未来的市场价格走势。下一步,其它黄金生产商如何行动可能对金价有新的冲击。我认为金价在bull biased 的前提下,波动性会加剧。拭目以待!
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-10 02:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
Did Barrick Just Jinx Gold Again?

Long-term readers of Think B.I.G. might remember this post we did back in March 2008:


As shown in the chart below, Barrick's CEO top-ticked the gold ma ...
Cooker 发表于 2009-9-10 09:15

Nice stuff.  You still keep the CNBC video of 2008.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-11 09:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yaobooyao 于 2009-9-11 10:51 编辑

Gold 的价格区间将上移一挡,从850~1000 上移到950 ~ 1100。

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发表于 2009-9-15 01:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
12# yaobooyao

那你还是对Gold bullish吗?
回复 鲜花 鸡蛋

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