如果其它经济体继续出现这种情况,央行官员们可能别无选择,只能效仿瑞典的做法。加拿大皇家银行资本市场分析(RBC Capital Markets)英镑利率产品开发主管约翰•雷斯(John Wraith)表示:“英国的定量宽松实验能否成功,很大程度上取决于银行是否会把获得的额外资金用于对个人和企业贷款。”
"对银行存款实施负利的央行", it has nothing to do with consumer saving and borrowing.
Banks save their funds in the central bank and earns interests. Now in Sweden, the central pays negative interests to the banks on their money. With this policy, banks may no longer pay interests on CD or saving account. But this is only my guess.