发表于 2009-8-3 07:40 AM
New crisis in SEP and OCT???? This is utterly nonsense!
The reason is very simple: Song Hongbing has been resorting to CONSPIRACY THEORIES from the very beginning( none of the stuffs he wrote were original ideas or new findings, he is merely stealing and copying from others just to fool the uneducated Chinese public)......he stole this idea of new crisis in September and October from Benjamin Fulford, the former Asian Pacific chief of Forbes magazine and a grand CONSPIRACY THEORIST: Benjamin claimed that there is a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" or "SECRET FEDERAL RESERVE" whose financial year always ends in September( all companies' FY end either in June or December), and this year because the SECRET FED has a skyrocketed monetary base and insane amount of debts, it is going bankrupt and hence triggering the new crisis, plus all the analysis about debt problem, unemployment situation, he stole from Benjamin Fulford word for word, even down to the exact numbers.
Don't believe a single word coming out of Song Hongbing's month, we've been around long enough to know his trick: copy and paste, exaggeration and intimidation...... he can only fool the Chinese public, but he cannot fool us. Dare he proclaim his finding in the western main stream media? I doubt it.
SECRET FED....hoho.... Song Hongbing must work his ass off just to prove this organisation does exist, even if that takes two thousand years!!! Mr. Song, stop stealing other people's idea and translate into Chinese!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |