发表于 2009-7-31 03:33 PM
even though O8 and MM want to pull up the market, but fundamental does not support, also average people (who lost job or went bankrupt) dare not to chase the high. I have very difficult time to unders ...
maomi 发表于 2009-7-31 16:26 
While, if you look at the big picture.
DOW is just at the same level as beginning of 2009. (Though many individual stocks are much higher now)
People can say we are in a much better shape than January2009.
My own thinking is market index is closing to top, because those index-stocks either already go up a lot and do not have much more room to go up(like Apple/IBM, GS/JPM ), or not so good on fundamental like (XOM, MSFT)
but many individual stocks still have room to go up. |