发表于 2009-7-3 01:45 PM
..............但spx要是真的右肩突破,测3月低点的话, 我觉得faz怎么也应该有翻2-3倍的潜力。。。。。过去的2个月里这么好的日子,faz居然没把握住狂长, 我就觉得很奇怪。。。。现在明白了。。。。原来是 ...
brcm 发表于 2009-7-3 13:35 
not exactly. It really depends how Finance trading.
Say even if finance goes straight down to March low, that is 50% down, FAZ may up 2-3倍.
But if in the middle on some day finance up 10% or 15% in one day(very likely if finance down 50%overall), then FAZ may not up that much at all.
if IYF up 15% in one day, it need IYF down 30% for FAZ to break even.
It is just a unfair game for FAZ, the only hope is finance keep dropping and even could not rebounce sharply in the middle. |